Jul 13Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Echo of previous comments - excellent round-up of the multitude of factors being observed, and a great way to bring some formalisation of the terminologies we're all struggling with. I'll be using this as a reference article when describing my Obz in future. Thank you for putting in the considerable effort to bring the very complex and evasive subject matter into a comprehensive framework. While we're all seeing the same things it's been difficult to communicate without a common lexicon.

The team has needed a reference like this. Great work !

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Jul 13Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

A Great composition, Kudos to you Mam.

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Thank you, Matt!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

It took me a while to get through that marathon of information... Crikey, is it 18:00 already, where did the day go... I was interested to see what you are calling 'nanocluster'; I have been seeing something very similar in pyocytes/pus/neutrophils I'll be showing an image or two of those clusters in my next samples post, but I still want to do some controls to catalogue for myself possible contaminants from my working space. As you know a living room lab is by far an ideal space to be clinical about what we are looking at, so knowing what is in the space naturally or not must at least be taken into account. The area where I sit is under the stairs and so airborne dust, particles or whatever is floating around is reduced a little, yet the base stand of my second display gets dusty very quickly. Any ways, thanks for all the info, it really helps to get an idea of what other researchers are looking at. And many thanks for subscribing to my Stack :)

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Nanoclusters is an actual industry term, although they are likely nano in size. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42004-023-00958-7 - However, I used it when I saw particle clustering together that could explain how particles 'stick' together. Thank you for your work!

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Aug 7Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Great article warrior:

I recently bought a $100 Amazon microscope as I needed to see it to believe it.

I saw it. The $100 investment was well worth every cent. A 7 year old child could identify that something isn't right looking at the one slide I put under the microscope that day.

My wife now believes and doesn't think I'm losing my mind.

She now understand the Bluetooth Mac addresses and how this operates.

Matt was kind enough to confirm my findings with a few photos I sent him.

Detoxifying will now be the top priority with my unvaxxed family.

It appears we absorb and will have to expell these evil particles constantly now.

The more we know on ridding these the better.

Dirt #1, Lasers, EMP, vitamins, minerals, grounding, mms ect...

Once the right combination is found, hopefully we can cleanse our bodies of this evil experiment unleashed on humanity and nature.

To be very honest, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around this topic. It truly is a thing of nightmares if you really look at it closely.

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That is Fantastic that you have a Microscope and are looking!! Yes, you have to see it to believe it! Have fun looking at your family members’ urine! Let a few drops sit under a coverslip for at least two days to check for Smart City Patterns forming on the edges!

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Aug 8Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I'm just a jr. @ this but thank you for any advice and direction.

I really want to look at my wife's potato pealing sample tomorrow. She had wonderful cells all with nice spacing when wet.

I hope her slide still looks healthy.

Protecting my loved ones I a priority as you well know.

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Here’s a tip when looking at liquids under a coverslip: There are generally two focal points that you will need to focus back and forth between. One you will see liquid flowing with particles, and the other the bottom of glass clearly, including any smears from wiping it off, but possibly not much. Look for blurry light blobs and get those in focus. Nanofibers and Polymer Nanocrystal Chunks and other things could be in either focal points. So if you don’t see anything, keep trying!

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Jul 14Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Amazing work and presentation on zoom this weekend ! Lovely 5D shots make it unique in that regard also. Cheers

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Very thorough article, great work!

I mentioned over on Dr Nixon's recent thread, that I would like to see ocean water samples. This would reveal a great deal of information. I may get a chance to obtain a good sample myself, but only have bright field.

It is currently raining here and the EMF, RF and ELF gets very intense during rain and fog, also even worse when there is wind bringing the rain in, carrying so much 'nano'. Obviously our rain comes from the oceans in normal cycles. If the ocean is loaded also, I will be lost for words. The shear magnitude!

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Im going to go out on a limb and say what seems obvious. They are 40-50 years ahead with this agenda. I see looking back the seeds of it in my own socially engineered childhood on the west coast. Thus, we will not 'beat' the Trnshumanist agenda. In my opinion, the focus for those of us in the 'remnant' of humanity, is to start asking together what comes after? and what can I do then? Because there will be an after, I believe. And who do I need to be to meet the challenge of this time now, and also later, to lend a helping hand out of the darkness to those who will have a rude awakening.. and not the years we've had to adapt to this.... This, whatever word someone finds one day that can describe.... This..

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Yes, I understand. But we still have to fight it and retain our Humanity as much as possible. That is why we were born at this time. We are the last true humans. They make fuck with my body and mind, but they can’t have my soul.

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Indeed and agreed..There is a lot of thinking out loud I find in myself and others. There is no way to adequately make sense of this surreality without the social function of conversations like these and sharing information like yours, thank you, taxonomy is essential as this develops..

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Perfect overview and roundup, nice one. And complete with a list of the other sleuths on this trail. Thank you.

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Is anyone checking vials of "botox" injectables?

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Well done! A lot of work went into that. Thank you for this good foundation of the various types of nano structures and nano materials out there. As far as what the electronics, blinking lights, transmitters, receivers, etc.... we would love it if someone from iEEE or another think tank that knows what these things are would come forward. We are all waiting with bated breath to know. You don't have to reveal who you are, we understand, but somehow would you let us know... through a video or article with real photos, explaining what all these electronic things are? We know you know. Please someone come forward. For the sake of common decency and respect for mankind. Thank you.

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Outstanding post, really useful to have a guide that describes all the different types of nanos ! Thank you.

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Wow, a lot of great work. I added a link to this at the end of my article:

Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Graphene, Luciferase, 5G - It Controls Gene Expression, Cell Signalling and Cellular Processes


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fantastic post!!!

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Any suggestions on how to remove these?

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Hi Roman~ Here are some suggestions that I know of, that people are doing to remove Nanos from their body, (knowing that we are all constantly taking more of them in, and that many of them self-replicate in the body, and of course, a disclaimer that I am Not a Doctor):

•Sodium Citrate (an easily obtained common food additive) stated in the industry literature , can be disassemble Hydrogel made out of alginate (Although Hydrogel can be made from many substances). Refer to Karl.C's Substacks for his discovered protocol. Here's one: https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/sodium-citrate-hydrogels-and-calcium?utm_source=publication-search. He recommends working up to 1 tsp/day 2x

• EDTA is also able to disassemble alginate Hydrogel (and prevent the rubbery clots). And, it is a heavy metal chelator (that some Nanos are made of) that Dr. Ana Mihalcea has been documenting and recommending for years. It comes in many forms: IV, powder (easily available online also as a food additive), cream, liquid supplement, and suppository. That being said, we know that some sources of those are also contaminated with Nano. Search (and follow) Dr. Ana for her recommendations: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/

• Methylene Blue: Dr. Ana also recommends taking this, while others do not recommend it.

• Activated Charcoal. I take 2 capsules every other day on an empty stomach, and also add it to my homemade tooth powder.

• Essential oils in the Thieves Blend, like Clove and Lemon, were discovered by one microscopist as dissolving the formation of the rubbery clots in vials of his own blood. Some people are taking those internally, as as well as can be tolerated, making toothpaste with them to clean out the Nanos sitting in your mouth from food and water intake. (Yes, you can look at your spit under the microscope and see the Nanos, and/or do Carnicom's Red Wine/Red Grape juice test to find Nanofibers. https://carnicominstitute.org/morgellons-the-wine-peroxide-test/

• I personally take 2 capsules of Pectin, which is a Heavy Metal detox, along with the activated Charcoal and herbal Liver Support (all on an empty stomach)

• Vitamin C is a natural Heavy Metal chelator. Dr. Ana recommends up to 10,000 mg/day, spread out. It is also available from clinics as an IV. That being said, Nanos have been found in these supplements as well, and I am on a quest to find a 'clean' brand and will post when I find one. Obviously, consuming as much food high in Vit. C is a strategy as well.

• Sweating and Detox baths. People use different recipes including: baking soda, borax, sea salt and Hydrogen Peroxide (I have not found a clean peroxide yet.) in a VERY hot bath, and shower off afterwards.

• Some people take small amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide internally as well. (Same thing with finding a clean brand.) Matt's Microscopy has rubbed Hydrogen Peroxide directly on his skin to remove Nanofibers directly under the skin, although I personally wouldn't recommend it as a regular practice, as it kills skin cells.

• "Nano Bucket" and "Nano Triangle" and "Spike" invented by Tony Pantelleresco (not on Substack), endorsed by FM8's Substack and Fiona for Health (not on Substsack). While some people find these home made mini-EMP-pulsers effective in disengaging the technology, Karl C. and Dr. Nixon, as well as Sabrina Wallace (not on Substack) believe that ANY Electronic Frequencies, including Rife machines, aids the Nano in building itself before it is expelled from the body. (I personally looked into it and made one, but decided not to use it)

• SAM's Substack - https://sam368.substack.com/ and Matt's Microscopy https://substack.com/@matt2 have found success with a special green laser that they invented, shining inside the veins.

•Brandon Iglesias is an expert in/victim of sophisticated nano and neuroweapons has his own remedies and protocols, though I have not tried any of them: https://electrostasis.substack.com/

Note that many of us don't believe (after testing) that using a magnet on vials of dental anesthetic will disengage the Nanos and make it safe, as La Quinta Columna claims. And No, we have not found a Nano-free anesthetic yet.

Hope that is helpful!

Follow the Nano microscopists on Substack, including the list of Substackers at the end of Field Guide Post for more as more remedies are found.

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I commend you Julianne for answering the call to showcase the creepy crawlie crystalline dots bots webs fibres fillaments gels globs orbs strings shapes waves bubbles blobs and all the others !

It will serve many from here on out, and as we see more of these characters emerge I know you will be quick to capture them in all of their unwanted glory !! thankyou for putting so much effort and time into this. KK

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Here are two videos that people need to watch. I wrote a book about my billionaire parents in Salt Lake City, Utah, and my memoir “unveiling shadows my personal Odyssey through a coercive control.” I’m doing a TEDtalk about it in September.



Stay strong!!

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