What DOESN'T Have Nanos in it? My Master List of Nanos in 148 Products So Far...
Apologies for the lapse in posting, but I’ve been busy with many other projects…Hope this makes up for it!
Many of you have been asking in the Comments: “What DOESN’T Have Nanos in it?” or assuming that “They’re in EVERYTHING”.
Don’t loose all Hope! I have concluded that while the Nanotech and Synbio has indeed “gone rogue” from deliberate contamination of the Air and Water supply, I have also found that the amount and types of Nanos in drinking water, beverages, food and products varies greatly.
We can assume that injectable Pharma products of all types are essentially intentionally adulterated as part of the Medical Body Area Network and Transhumanist Agendas, as well as the intention to make us sick for profit, infertile, or just plain dead. Other products, like supplements and food may or may not have been knowingly adulterated by their companies. (I use ‘adulterated’ to indicate intention, and ‘contaminated’ as unintentional, or unknowingly.) ‘Nanoparticles’ have actually been in the food supply for decades, but are not required to be listed as such on the ingredients, and some of these particles may indeed be harmless.
Here is my Master List in the form of a Chart of what I have looked at (148 items) under the Microscope so far (as of October, 2024).
(You might think that 148 investigations is a lot, but honestly, I wish I could have dedicated way more time to Microscopy!)
A Green Check Mark indicates evidence found under the Microscope, just like previous posts.
Products that I have posted about previously say ‘-SUBSTACK POST-’ under the name in the first column. I am only including some best of Photos or Videos as examples above each Category, not Photos/Videos of each Item this time; some I don’t have any significant photos or videos to share.
Some products and waters contain Bacteria zooming around, and although they generally behave and look differently than Moving Nanoparticles/Nanobots, it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference. In those cases, I have placed a Question Mark in the Bacteria or the Nanobot box.
Also, some Minerals found in Water and Detox Products look similar to Polymer Nanocrystal ‘Chunks’ (some which may be Mesogens), and so I have marked them with a Question Mark.
Items highlighted in Blue on the Chart ‘Appear to be Clean’ by my Microscopy investigation.
Disclaimer! Since I only look at a few drops of each product (sometimes up to two different slides), I cannot assure that the products that ‘Appear to be Clean’ do not have some various forms of Nanos in them somewhere in that container, or that other containers, other batches, or other varieties are also completely clean. However, if within a few drops there are clearly many many Moving Nanoparticles/Nanobots, I am assuming that the entire container is contaminated or adulterated and other containers are as well. It does not mean that every product by a company/corporation produces is contaminated or adulterated, but unless I look myself, I usually avoid that company.
This List is divided into these 7 Categories, but within them, the items listed are not in any particular Order:
1. Supplements
2. Food
3. Beverages & Waters
4. Sanitizers
5. Health and Beauty Products
6. Detox Products
7. Pharma
The Categories of Nanotechnology with explanations are the same as in my Field Guide to Nanos:
These are My choice of terms and categories for Nanos, while other microscopists may use different or additional terms:
• NANOBOTS / MICROBOTS / MOVING NANOPARTICLES / QUANTUM-DOTS (Not all moving Nanoparticles are Nanobots or Quantum dots, etc.)
• POLYMER CRYSTAL ‘CHUNKS’ / POSSIBLE ‘MESOGENS’- DNA BIOSENSORS (Not all Polymer Crystals are Mesogens, etc.)
• BACTERIA (I’ve included this Category, not as a Nanotechnolgy, but just to let you know that I found it where it should not be.)
• NOTE on HEXAGONS: I have rarely see Hexagons (and we think that some of them may be just phases of construction), so I have not included it as a Category in this Chart, except Noted in the Nano Chip Category, as I’ve run out of room on the Chart!
1. Supplements
Curcumin, Theracumin- Natural Factors

NOTES: Sometimes I saw Moving particles, and when I tested again, I did not, hence the Question Mark. If there are A Lot of Moving Particles.
* CLARIFICATION OCT: 24: “May Be Intentional” means that the product may use Liposomes or Liposomal ingredients in the shape of vesicles as a method of bioavailabilty, that look like what we refer to as Construction Bubbles/Nano Capsules with Nanotech payloads.
2. FOOD:
Organic home grown orange

NOTES: Opaque, creamy or cloudy foods are difficult to see Polymer Nanocrystals which are usually appear translucent.
Strange that I didn’t see Moving Nanoparticles/Nanobots in the Coconut Milk, but I almost consistently did in the Coconut Water (see below).
Bacteria in Coconut Water is too common for me to handle.
NOTES: Opaque, creamy or cloudy beverages are difficult to see Polymer Nanocrystals, which usually appear translucent with colored dots.
NOTES: I found that most Reverse Osmosis waters, either from Bulk Dispensers or ‘high end ultra-pure’ bottled companies were disturbingly filled with moving Nanobots/Nanoparticles and other Nanostructures. Many of them also had cloudy particles settling onto the slide. Why? Probably either these companies filters were not able to remove the Nanoparticles and/or when they put in the Minerals back into the water, those mineral mix were never tested for purity and were unknowingly Full of Nanos!
Some of the Spring Bottled Waters contained some Bacteria, and/or possible Nanobots/Moving Nanoparticles.
Some Gravity Countertop Filters, such as Berkey contained some small Nanostructures, such as Nanofibers. Why? I think that those Filters do not remove all the Nanoparticles, that then assemble in the holding tank.
What’s with the Question Marks? It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between Polymer Nanocrystals and naturally occurring Minerals.
Clorox Bleach
Isis Hydrogen Peroxide
91% Isopropyl Alcohol

NOTES: It is evident that “Sanitizing” agents such as rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, vinegar, bleach, natural liquid hand soap, and hydrogen peroxide DO NOT destroy Nanotechnology, and if you use them on your body or in your home, you are risking spreading the Nanotechnology.
*ADDED OCT. 24: Under Dr. Bronners: I also looked at their All Purpose Spruce-scented Detergent Concentrate, ‘Sal Suds’, and it was the worse in terms of Moving Particles/Nanobots.

Sun In Hair Lightener montage
NOTE: Opaque products, such as toothpaste are difficult to determine whether they contain Polymer Nanocrystals because they are mostly transparent.

NOTES: It is evident that many Detox products are not able to degrade the Nanofibers or Polymer Nanocrystals once they are assembled or can they deactivate Nanobots (even EDTA!). Whether and how these Detox products do help REMOVE these structures from the body is a good question. Sodium Citrate is recommended to inhibit the growth of the polymer rubbery clots in the blood, although I found Moving Nanoparticles/Nanobots in the brand I bought.
* CLARIFICATION OCT: 24: “May Be Intentional” means that the product may use Liposomes or Liposomal ingredients in the shape of vesicles as a method of bioavailabilty, that look like what we refer to as Construction Bubbles/Nano Capsules with nanotech payloads.
ADDED NOTE ON JANUARY 28, 2025: When I investigated most of these Dental Anesthetics early on, I was not able to “Make Nano Crystals / Chips” appear or view them with the microscopic equipment I had. I need to go back at the samples I have and update the last column in this Chart, if I am able to photograph complex Crystals that do look like Technology.
Check out the Moving Nanoparticles/Nanobots in this Ivermectin by Juvenor:
Here is a new montage video of Lidocaine for Epidural use. The moving particles are part of Sessile Droplet Evaporation. Notice the long, white/translucent Fiber (Note: Some video segments have been sped up 2x)
And here are some other photographic highlights:

Note that Crystal ‘Chips” were found in these and not others simply because I got a new Objective and was able to successfully and repeatedly create the Sessile Droplet Evaporation Process to ‘create’ them.
As you can see some products are worse than others!
My personal line in the sand is to not use a product if I find Moving Nanoparticles/Nanobots in it. This has dramatically cut down my use of vitamin and mineral supplements and packaged foods and sometimes I have to make exceptions until I find a clean or cleaner source! And yes, even organic fruits and vegetables are contaminated from the adulteration of the rain by Geoengineering.
Nanoparticles build Nanostructures visible under the Microscope. It is evident that some Nanoparticles, which are Hydrogel-based, expand and become activated when they come in contact with water and/or in the presence of EMF/EMR, prevalent everywhere in our environment.
I think that some polymer Nanofibers and Nanofilaments found in products and water may be ‘inactive’ or simply ‘nano garbage’, that have fallen into a product in the factory. Some might be harmless, they might be naturally eliminated from the body, while others might assemble in the body from the Nanoparticles you ingest and inhale (hence, Morgellons) –same with the Polymer Nanocrystals; some might be inactive junk.
I do think anything you can do to Detox regularly is helpful, even if some of these are self-replicating and we are constantly bombarded with them!
I continue to use and recommend clean sources of the following for Detoxing:
GMO-free Vitamin C supplements and natural foods- 10,000mg/day
Pectin by Econugenics 2x/day
Activated Charcoal 2/day every two or three days
(now experimenting with) EDTA tablets by Tulip BioPharma 2/day
2 Tsp. of Sodium Citrate 2x/day (once I find a Nano-free source)
1 dropper-ful of Chorophyll/day
2+ tablets of Chlorella/day
Drops of Lemon Essential Oil in water as tolerated
Brush teeth with homemade baking soda toothpaste including clove oil and lemon oil.
(I no longer recommend taking Borax internally as per Dr. Ana discounting of it)
Weekly Hot Detox baths of Baking Soda, Borax, Sea Salt and EDTA Powder (if I can find a clean source).
Sweat when you can with saunas, etc.
Use an HEPA Air Purifiers in your Home!!
Spend time in nature on the earth or at the ocean when you can avoid chemtrail fallout (which is always, I know)
I continue to search for the purist drinking water I can find.
I do not currently use Fulvic and Humic Acid, but am not against them if you can find clean products.
I Avoid EMF/EMR whenever possible!! Including wearing EMF Hats and clothing/poncho’s while driving and out in the world, and blankets when traveling. I do not know how well these actually work, but I HOPE that it limits the direct activation of Nanos to grow in my body.
I do Not use Tony P’s Triangle, but many have had luck with it.
I do Not use Rife, or the Terraherz wand (as per Sabrina Wallace)
I do Not use Zeolites, Shilajit or Carbon C-60 (as per Sabrina Wallace)
I do Not use Nicotine!
I hope this Chart is Helpful, and not Depressing for you, on your own Nano Journey!
There are hundreds of items I could test. Luckily, many others on Substack have taken the challenge on as well! Here are two new recommendations:
You are a warrior for other human beings and I appreciate your hard work and this information.
When I came back from Southern California last January after spending most of the last 5 years down there taking care of a family member I did a blood test I was high in barium and lead ! They Chem sprayed almost every day down there. I grew up in Palos Verdes I live in in Idaho now and they started spraying up here much more the last several years.
I was shocked.... pretty much 5 days a week when I was down there I took organic activated charcoal from coconut shells and fulvic acid.
I've been taking a big heaping tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth in the morning in a quarter tablespoon of cayenne pepper and doing fulvic acid and charcoal a few days a week .
Since diatomaceous earth is silica it pretty much binds a lot of the metals up in your body. I also do tons of garlic and vitamin C and parsley with everything. I believe that helps.
I was wondering what protocol you do to keep the Nanobots out of your blood?
I try to tell people about your Channel so they don't look at me like I'm crazy!
Peace and blessings to you.
This is the most amazing and helpful compilation of nanostructures in products I have ever seen, or could ever have imagined seeing! The sheer focus and dedication required to assemble these findings in such an easily accessible form is mind boggling! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I've tested a similar range of products, but some of the information has been lost to a hard drive crash and the rest is arranged in a willy nilly fashion on back up drives that can be hard to search through.
I've had many of the same questions as you, and you've helped to answer many. I shudder to think of the number of photos I didn't understand and just deleted as a result. I couldn't be more impressed with your diligence. It qualifies for an Olympic medal in my book!
The hardest thing for me has been to determine whether particle movement in liquid portions of fresh items, such as: juice from a tomato or orange, is natural or technological.
And, yes, homegrown organic produce seems to be affected too - whether from aerial spraying, tap water used for irrigation, or contaminated soil.
The organization of pictures into tabs on a grid is incredible genius! I plan to forward this to as many people as possible. Helpful beyond words!!!