The same formations of Nano & Micro Structures appear again and again, all over the world, in samples under the microscope:
• Human and Animal Blood
• Fresh and Processed Foods
• “Medications” – Over-the-counter and Rx (p)Harmaceuticals , incl. injectable products, such as Anesthetics, Insulin, Saline, etc.
• Recreational Drugs
• Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
• Water (all sources)
• Air Samples (Air filters, Chemtrails, Dehumidifiers)
• Bodily Waste
How many of these Nanos, like SMART Dust, were intentionally added to specific products and water supplies, and how many have simply (intentionally or unintentionally) gone rogue in the environment, is a good question. How many of them stay in the human body, and how many of them can be excreted is another question.
In further Substack Posts I will include Green Check Marks next to samples and products that I have photographed as confirmation of evidence of one or more of these general Categories of Nanotechnology. (Disclaimer: the lack of Check Mark does Not assure that Nanotechnology or Synthetic Biology do not exist in that sample or others!)
Note that Microscopists around the world still have different terminology for some of these Structures, and are in discussion or dispute of what materials some of these are made. These Nano and Micro Structures are made of either one, or a hybrid of, Metamaterials, Synthetic Polymers and Bio-Polymers (such as Hydrogel), Graphene, Metals, Proteins, Chemicals, DNA, Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB), Quantum Dots and fluorescing particles.
This Nanotechnology is programmable, self-replicating and self-assembling, can withstand temperature extremes, and be active in both wet and dry form, and be reactivated to move and grow in size and when exposed to liquid, light (including Near Infrared), air, heat, electric currents and electromagnetic frequencies, ultrasound and plasmonic resonance.
Geek Out on this Article– Source: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/ntrev-2012-0071/html
Nanos are created in laboratories in the Nanoscale, observable only with an Electron Microscope. Nanos then build upon each other like building blocks, thus they create Micro Structures, visible with a Microscope, and some, the naked eye, but the general agreement is that we call them Nanotechnology.
Under the Microscope, you will witness these different Structures construct– seemingly out of nowhere, as Particles interact with each other, sometimes stick to each other, sometimes repel against each other, absorb into each other and ‘give birth’ to other Structures, degrade or ‘disappear’ on the slide, over time.
While I am not an ‘expert’ in Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology– just a citizen microscopist with only 1.5 years (updated Jan. 2025) of experience and mentorship– and hundreds of hours of research, I have personally looked at only about 156 items - (Updated Jan. 2025) different individual products and substances so far, as well as monitoring my own blood and water supply. These Nanostructures appear commonly; they are obiquitous; anyone with a Microscope– with practice– can see them. Live Blood Analysists were lied to for decades about what these “artifacts” “anomalies” and “abnormalities” actually were. The changes in every human’s blood over the last 20, and especially 4 years, are undeniable. Look for yourself!
FIBERS: Long, thin, clear or colored Nanofibers, Nanofilaments, Hydrogel Filament Structures, Nanoribbons, Nanotubes, Nanowires, ‘Spiderwebs’, serpent-looking forms
CHIPS: Liquid Crystal Nanochips, Crystals in Rectanglular, Square or Triangular or other Shapes with complex, geometric, circuit-board-like interiors
BOTS & Q-DOTS: Self-propelling Nanoparticles, Quantum Dots, Nanobots, Xenobots, KAMS
COLLOIDAL MOLECULES: Suspended and moving Particles and Bubble-looking Cells working together to create something
CAPSULES: Construction Site Bubbles, Nanocapsules filled with Liquid and Nanoparticles
HEXAGONS: 6 sided Structures (not always equilateral)
CRYSTAL POLYMER ‘CHUNKS’: Polymer Substrate Nanocrystals in non-geometric, plastic-looking 3-D forms. (What Dr. Ana Mihalcea refers to as Mesogens) Some are translucent, while other greyish, and have bubbles on the edges and noticeably fluorescing Particles under Dark Field.
HYDROGEL + PATTERNS: Flat dimensional self-assembling formations from Hydrogel Polymers, Graphene or Nanoparticles, including Lines; complex geometrical blueprint-like, circuit-board-like structures that I termed “Nano SMART Cities”; Feathering Crystallization; Dendrimers/Branching; what I termed “Alluvial Fan Sedimentation”; Honeycombs; and Fractals, all whose forms change over time when left sitting on the slide.
SALT AND PARTICLE CRYSTALS: Salts are both naturally occurring and added ingredients in such products as Dental Anesthetics. When they dry out of liquid solutions, Salts form different shapes of crystals depending on circumstances and when combined with different substances such as Hydrogel and Nanoparticles. Some look like dendritic patterns (leaf or tree-like), some look like fractal antennas, some look like crosses.
Note: I will Not include ARTIFICIAL/SYNTHETIC RED BLOOD CELLS in this Post, although these are certainly a Category in themselves, in human (and other animal’s) Blood that some Microscopists have documented, and that we All need to keep an eye on, especially in our own blood checks. Karl C. has documented them:
NOTE: Since Hydrogel is a Material, not a Structure, and many of the Structures in this Field Guide are likely made from or with Hydrogel (which can be made from many natural and synthetic substances), I have not included a separate Hydrogel Category. However, we are pretty sure that when you see a flowing line change into a straight-lined formation, that it is probably the flexible material of Hydrogel. The same thing goes with Graphene Oxide. A lot of Nanostructures that people at first called Graphene turned out to be Hydrogel with or without Graphene. There are both Graphene Nanotubes and Hydrogel Nanotubes for example.
What are these Nanos for?

In this Post I will not fully dive into what the function of these Structures are, but we can guess from the literature and videos of psychopaths that they have to do with the Transhumanist Bio-Digital Convergence, including functioning as Biosensors transmitting data to and from the human body and the environment, forming Nanonetworks and Gateways aiding connection to the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Bio-Nanothings (IoBNT), Internet of Bodies (IOB), the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), Medical Body Area Network (MBAN)/SMART Medicine/Precision Medicine/Life Sciences (for your Health, of course!), Neurotissue Engineering, Neurohacking or Targeting, Creating a Hive Mind, Military Defense Applications (You are the Enemy), tracking you in the SMART City and for your Digital Twin in the AI Digitial Metaverse…basically to make you a controllable Synthetic Being, IF you survive the experiment.
There are literally thousands of easily searchable Nanotech/Biotech Industry, Bio-Security, Nanoscience, Nanomedicine, and Govt. Agency papers, websites, slide and video presentations on Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology, AI Precision Medicine, “Life Sciences” (read Biotech and Bioengineering) and Neuro-Cognitive Warfare. If you read between the lines, in reality, these are technologies weaponized against you and me, under the guise of “Health and Safety” or “Innovation”, “Biosecurity”, “Data Collection”, and “the Benefit of Humanity” with descriptions and illustrations or photography with which to compare these Nano Structures and their functions. While some of these may look like futuristic pipe dreams (esp. artist’s renditions), or be sold to us as “The Future” benefiting humanity, I assure you they are not: Nanos were designed and created intentionally as Syn-Bio Warfare upon all life.
Note: Please ignore any Sound projecting from my Videos: I listen to A Lot of media while multi-tasking during my scoping time.
Now, let’s take a Look!
I highly recommend, if you have a cat or dog in the house, to look at what their hairs look like (as well as your own) under the Microscope, so that you do not mistake them for Nanofibers! Cat hairs tend to be segmented.
I identify Nanofibers as being very thin vs. Nanofilaments being a little thicker with a visible center tube or internal contents, vs. Nanoribbons being as big as Filaments, but flattened and folded upon itself.
Nanofibers, etc. can tangle up with themselves, with similar fibers and other Nanostructures, as well as self-assemble and grow over time and some can break (hooray!). They may appear in a wide spectrum of colors, including transparent, some with center tubes and fluorescing Particles inside. Nano Filaments vs. Fibers vs. Ribbons vs. Tubes vs. Wires likely all have different functions. Some Microscopists also call these Cables. If you find them in water and products, they may have just been floating around in the air from decades of Geongineering and landed into water supplies and ingredients in factories. Others, from mega corporations, are likely intentionally added. And, of course, ALL contents of pHarmaceuticals are suspect, even if some Nanos are designed for “Cellular Drug Delivery”.
Here is a Variety of Samples that I have photographed, most covered in other Posts: (You can click on each image to enlarge to full screen.)

Notice the last image on the bottom right is from Urine. I have found tons of these in urine samples, so that’s great news that they will eliminate that way!

Will: Micronaut did a post on categorizing Fibers as well:
And, yes, some of them look like parasites, or zoomorphic or biomimicing organisms with ‘mouths’ and ‘heads’ and tendrils to attach to other things… or perhaps electrical circuitry for plugging into microchips (as photographed by Dr. David Nixon.
I have personally not witnessed these fiberous structures move or grow, although other Microscopists have. That simply takes patience and time lapse photography.
These Nanofibers can be programmed to grow into different shapes, like this Hydrogel Nanostar (a pretty flower, or a blood red demonic pentagram?)
What are Nanofibers made of?
The Carnicom Institute was the first to discover these bio-engineered Fibers over 25 years ago when they were introduced into the environment via Geoengineering with the diabolical transhumanist intention to integrate Synthetic Biology into the human population (and other organisms) without knowledge or consent. Clifford Carnicom has done extensive research on the different classes of Polymers and Cross Domain Bacteria that form these Syn-Bio Structures and recently posted on culturing the rubbery clot material here on Substack.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea has also done extensive research on these Polymers, as well as the synthetic rubbery clots found in the blood vessels killing people, as shown in the viral documentary, Died Suddenly.

Nanofibers are omnipresent in the trillion dollar Nanotech industry. Lots of reading to do….
This is what Cult- and Intelligence–Owned Wikipedia says when you search for Nanofibers:
Nanofibers can be generated from different polymers and hence have different physical properties and application potentials. Examples of natural polymers include collagen, cellulose, silk fibroin, keratin, gelatin and polysaccharides such as chitosan and alginate. [1] [2] Examples of synthetic polymers include poly(lactic acid) (PLA), polycaprolactone (PCL),[3] polyurethane (PU), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), and poly(ethylene-co-vinylacetate) (PEVA). [1] [2] Polymer chains are connected viacovalent bonds.[4] (Wikipedia)
Check out this industry video of how Nanofibers are made! Yum!!
Want to buy some Nanofibers or materials to manufacture your own? Check this out:
Here is some extracts from a very poorly written (perhaps by AI?) Internet article on Nanochips (italics mine):
Researchers have developed silicon chips that are smaller than cells. The team used a variety of methods to collect these tiny chips and internalize them... A significant advantage of intracellular silicon-based chips is the unending possibilities for design. This new technology will allow for accurate characterization at the single cell level and real-time monitoring of cellular events. It will also allow for precise drug delivery within a target cell.
As a microchip, a nanochip is a passive electronic device that is a fraction of the size of a human hair. Its components are hundreds of times smaller than the average computer's CPU…A nanochip is more advanced than a microchip, and has a more complex structure.
A nanochip has no external connections. A microchip is a single integrated circuit, while a nanochip is an entire computer chip…It also requires far less energy and can operate at higher speed. These microchips are hundreds of times smaller than a grain of rice... These microchips can be implanted into various parts of the body.
Don’t Forget: It’s for your Health and Safety!
You may find Liquid Crystalline Nanocrystals like these forming or already formed under the microscope.
You can click on each image below to enlarge.

Mepivacaine Dental Anesthetic
Mepivacaine Dental Anesthetic
Could some of these structures I have photographed be Sodium/Salt or other crystal-forming ingredients? Some of them could be: the key is to check the ingredients listed and all the different kinds of Sodium that exist. Examine a variety of products with the exact same ingredients (such as I did with Iodine); if some of the products with the same ingredients exhibit different Crystalline structures, then I would suspect they would be Nanos. Also, the Chips have complex interior geometric structures that resemble circuit boards, some with X’s and some with dots on the top that seem to be made of other materials when colored with stains. A common Chip shape we have found has a corner ‘bite’ taken out of it.
For more excellent examples of complex Nanochips, see Nixonlab or Will: Micronaut or SAM’s Substack.
Nanobots are self-propelled, self-assembling Nanoparticles that are intelligently programmed with a job to do; that includes colorful photoluminescent Graphene Quantum Dots. Graphene Q-Dots are mini semi-conductors made of different metals that when exposed to different types of light will exhibiting bright colors.
Compare those intelligent particles with “Brownian Motion”
Henna Hair Dye mixed with Nano-free Water
(In all honesty, I’m not convinced this is just “Brownian Motion”, but that’s what They say it looks like.)
….nor are these intelligent Dots and Bot particles simply getting caught up in the flow of liquid moving all in the same direction when squeezed under a cover slip. Nanobots will not only dance and jitter, but navigate around other particles: slowing down, speeding up, circumnavigating, ‘checking out’ other particles, emerge from, penetrating into, or aggregate into Construction Bubbles/Capsules and Nanofilaments.
Another term for similar structures is MEMS: Micro-electromechanical systems or NEMS: Nano-electrochemical systems.
Note: Dr. Len Ber, expert on Targeted Individuals, has quite a few posts on what he has recorded, which he calls KAMS: Kenetically Active Microstructures.
Here are my images/videos:
Lidocaine Dental Anesthetic: Filament, Construction Bubble and Nanobots
Mepivacaine Dental Anesthetic – Notice the tiny particles that are self-propelled, compared to the larger Particles that are not moving.
Carlyle® Iodine
Eidon® Iodine – I call the bigger structure a Nanocluster of Nanoparticles. Notice the Nanobos moving inside and around the Cluster.
Tangy Tangerine® Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Mix – This reminds me of videos of ants moving giant leaves across the terrain.
Filtered Water - These Nanos are clearly assembling in chains.
Iris Hydrogen Peroxide– Notice the tiny Nanobots swimming around the Nanocluster and Hydrogel bubbles.
MasterPeace® Detox Supplement
Sun In® Hair Lightener – Bots and mysterious long swimmers with Construction Bubbles and self-assembling Polymer Crystal Chunk
Clorox® Bleach – Watch the moving particles get knocked off of the Dragon filament and disperse.
Lignospan® Dental Anesthetic – Tiny Bots swimming around a Construction Bubble and curved Crystal Nanofiber
Old Style® Vinegar
CALM® Magnesium Powder
Workman’s Friend 70% Isopropyl Alcohol after sitting for 9 hrs on the slide
Orange Juice taken directly from a locally grown Orange with a syringe. This means that the Nanobots were taken up from the ground water! While there is a flow of movement, look closely at how some of the Nanobots interact with each other as well as the structure later in the video.
My Blood – These are not chylomicrons, which indicate undigested fats, because I had fasted for over 12 hours.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea calculated that we all may have up to 154,000,000 Nanobots inside our blood. Yikes! 🥺- https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/darkfield-microscopy-c19-unvaccinated
Colloids are minute particles dispersed into a medium, such as a liquid. You buy products with Colloidal Molecules in them all the time: sometimes they require stabilizing agents for their preservation, to keep them separate from clumping. Colloidal Molecules appear under the Microscope as simple glistening moving or static particulates or look like empty Bubbles, or Cells with a visible outer membrane. They can move, often together in formation as part of a physical and chemical reaction. To me, I identify Nanobots in the Bots and Dots Category differently: those are small, solid single moving dots or oddly formed particles, and march erratically and with individual ‘consciousness’.
Articaine Dental Anesthetic
These Colloids have connected into branching, webbing patterns, like nodes in network or a ‘string of pearls’. (Yes, this example is Also fits in the PATTERN CATEGORY)

Lignocaine Dental Anesthetic
Mepivacaine Dental Anesthetic
Nanocapsules are a type of Nanostructure that has a polymer membrane aka Multi-lamellar Vesicle, Lipids or Liposomes, which encapsulates an inner liquid core of emulsions and particles that are programmed to be delivered and their contents released (as opposed to air bubbles which are empty and often perfectly round) in response to environmental (electrical and electromanetic frequencies), chemical, pH, thermal or biological triggers. Nanocapsules are often used as delivery systems (payloads) in medications. Nanocapsule membranes may be made of either Synthetic Polymers such as Hydrogel, or natural materials such as gelatin, alginate and albumin, and chitosan (Yep, that’s the toxic shell of insects and crustaceans they want to put in our food to be magno-electric Its really common as a heavy-metal binder, as well. Go figure.)
Note that the scientific literature states that sodium citrate and EDTA can degrade Hydrogels that are made from alginate, which is why they are commonly recommended to detox the Nanos:
Construction Bubbles / Capsules are like large Nanocapsules are like little cauldrons or uteruses manufacturing particles and structures to be released.

You will find these commonly in blood as well.
Here are some Construction Bubbles in Action showing microfluidic action of Colloidal Molecules:
Workman’s Friend 70% Isopropyl Alcohol
Eidon® Iodine
Hexagons are a natural geometric formation found in many physical forms (honeycombs), sacred geometry, and in organic chemical lattices; they are also forms of some inorganic Nanoparticles, such as Gold; they form one-atom thick Graphene Nanotubes and ‘Bucky Balls’ (though you would not be able to see these two types of Hexagons under the Microscope). DARPA “loves the Hexagon because there are so many things they can do with it” (says Elana Freeland). They have been seen forming as a Phase of Hydrogel; and they could be Nanocrystals. Here is a post from SAM:
The trick in seeing these Hexagons under the Microscope is to identify what naturally forms 6 sides, and what is Tech.
The Nanotechnology Center for Excellence in Sri Lanka is built in the form of a Hexagon, so that might mean something!

These little chunks are obiquitus EVERYWHERE; I dare you to find a sample of something without them. Polymer Crystals are amalgamations or substrates of materials that self-assemble with moving Bots, Nanoparticles and Hydrogel. Sometimes they look like spun plastic, other times like Graphene Sheets, and others are translucent with noticeable fluorescing particles under Dark Field. Dr. Ana Mihalcea refers to these as Mesogens: DNA Nanocrystals.

My Blood
Mepivacaine Dental Anesthetic
Sun In® Hair Lightener
The construction of these crystalline patterns are likely from Hydrogel and other Synthetic Polymers. Hydrogels are a ‘Smart’ material that can change its structure in response to its environment. They possess a degree of flexibility due to its water content.
Filtered Water
Iris® Hydrogen Peroxide
They can appear as ‘bubbles’ at first and then form into curvy lines….
TopCare Hydrogen Peroxide, likely with Hydrogel
…then when left on the slide over days and weeks, straight lines form that look like blueprints outlining runways, shopping malls and smaller buildings. Hence my term “Nano SMART Cities”. Microscopists have found these patterns in blood, urine, Zircam® homeopathic nasal spray, eye lubricant, and a variety of anesthetics.
One theory is that these may be microchip circuit boards or micro antennas being constructed for the electronic transfer of data to and from a body. Another theory is that they are crystalline structures that have nowhere else to go but outward when pressed underneath a coverslip, and thus would be more 2- and 3-Dimensional without a Coverslip . These ususally form on the edge of the slide:
“Nano SMART Cities”

Sometimes they are mixed with Crystal shard patterning.

Fractal ‘Antennas’

These may or might not be ‘Antennas’, as this type of patterning are both in nature, and a chemical patterning. I am including it here because many other Microscopists have photographed similar patterns.
‘Alluvial Fans’ Sedimentation
My images below are of Dental Anesthetics, and I am not clear whether the settling of those Crystals are Sodium or Chips.

Oraboc® Dental Anesthetic showing microfluidic action as it dries on the slide.
Here is a new Category: Salt and Nano Particle Crystals.
As the water evaporates on the slide with the help of the microscope lamp, Salts and Nano Particles coalesce, leaving (seemingly) empty space around it. I think that the Particles use the natural Salt patterning as Scaffolding. The Salts could be from Geoengineering or part of the Mystery Fog bombing. There also could be some Salts from ocean water that mixed with the Fog or off the Coast west of me.
There are a few different Formations here:
– Salt Crystals forming large crosses and fractal ‘antennas’. They likely also contain Hydrogel, which gives them that plastic-y look.
– Dot Patters: Colored Nanoparticles that form branching, ferning, feathery and antenna patterns by using the Salt as scaffolding. I do not know what makes some of them blue-ish or gold-ish in color.
– Lichen- or flowery-looking Patterns

NOTE: Synthetic Biology (Syn-Bio) Organisms
While some of the Nanofilaments and Nanofibers do appear to to look like parasites with heads with faces and open mouths, I am keeping them in the Fiber Category for now. There is extensive documentation on Morgellons hybrid insect Syn-Bio organisms coming out of afflicted people’s skin. Many of the Nano Structures contain DNA and bio-engineered Cross-Domain Bacteria. Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology go hand in hand, because the ultimate goal of the Transhumanist Agenda is to change every natural living being into a frequency-controllable synthetic being. Some Nanostructures appear more zoomorphic than others; who knows what DNA they have spliced together.
I am in the process of revising this Category and will post photos as I confirm them.
I will not include ARTIFICIAL OR SYNTHETIC RED BLOOD CELLS in this Post, although these are certainly a Category in themselves, documented in both human and other animal’s Blood. We all need to keep an eye on distinct changes in the shape and synthetic reproduction of RBC’s in our own blood. Search for images/videos on Karl.C/Man Against the Microbes Substack and SAM’s Substack as well as The Clifford Carnicom Institute website.
What have you all seen under the microscope? Are there other common structures that I did not list?
If you have not already, I recommend subscribing to these other microscopists on Substack: Dr. Ana Mihalcea-Humanity United Now, Nixonlab, Karl.C’s Substack/Man Against the Microbes, Will: Micronaut, Matt’s Microscopy, SAM’s Substack, Richard’s Substack, Carnicom Institute , 420MedicineMan’s Substack, FM8’s Substack, Kelly Bacher’s Substack, Scipio Eruditus, Kim’s Substack, michelle.w’s Substack, Nigel Cockain/Black Sheep in Exile, Mz: Obz, RebeccaccebeR’s Substack, Len Ber MD, Ronald’s Substack, Keysi’s Substack, Revolution1
Also, other great researchers who write on Nanotechnology and Transhumanism: Brandon’s Substack, OUTRAGED’s Newsletter, operation save humanity Substack, Xochi’s Substack, Karen Kingston,
David.A Hughes, Mark Steele/Save Us Now, Revolution1
If anyone knows of any other citizen or professional microscopists investigating Nanotech on Substack, please add them in the Comments so that we can all Subscribe to them. Everyone’s contribution is important.
Echo of previous comments - excellent round-up of the multitude of factors being observed, and a great way to bring some formalisation of the terminologies we're all struggling with. I'll be using this as a reference article when describing my Obz in future. Thank you for putting in the considerable effort to bring the very complex and evasive subject matter into a comprehensive framework. While we're all seeing the same things it's been difficult to communicate without a common lexicon.
The team has needed a reference like this. Great work !
A Great composition, Kudos to you Mam.