Great analysis, kudos. Restacking. I hope more people see your work so that solutions can be found to mitigate the effects of the murderous fog. No wonder some pets have died from being exposed to this, and it's clear humans can be seriously harmed as well.

Seems that they haven't really dumped anything new on us. They're just dumping their favorite usual poisons on us, just a different mix, a few variations here and there, a more potent cocktail maybe. But the delivery method is new, i had never seen this fog + nanoparticles mix.

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Fantastic work! So glad you captured this!

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These people are SICK! Get Them! Now!

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Nice work and beautiful pics/videos Julianne! I’m not convinced all is nano. Wonder if I can find a museum with archived biologics, say pre 1960s, and tissue grind, then centrifuge, then view supernatant. Just to see what fluoresces under DF.

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True Steve, I think some of the mystery chunks were maybe bits of bird poo and such. I wish I knew more Biology. But the Usual Suspects were identifyable.

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I'm curious too. I don't KNOW, but I love the investigation. I would be curious to examine a piece of "smart dust" or RFID (https://www.hitachi.com/New/cnews/060206.html) and see what it looks like under the 'scope.

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Right? I've never found anything like that square shape, yet, however. Smart Dust may also just be these Polymer Chunks we see. It may or may not be square like that. Industry papers say they are already in food packaging and clothing etc. I think we would need a very high magnification to see if we can see what's inside it.

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I love universal justice.... it will be.

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It’s not natural that’s for sure.

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“Let's be clear,

the future is not just happening;

the future is built by us,

a powerful community here in this room.

We have the means to impose the state of the world” .

-- Clown Schwab, Die Führer, Davos 2022.


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what is 'imposed' can be 'deposed' (or removed). Nothing is immutable.. change is constant and the change they boast of will again change of its own accord and not in ways predicted or controlled. Hence the danger to us BUT ALSO TO THEM...

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The Big Guy did a good job in Cali4nia:


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OMG! I finally got around to this very important post!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR DOCUMENTATION!!!!!

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Thanks, Tom. Truth is though- I only looked at a fraction of the Fog I collected in my little area. That's the hard part about looking at drops on a slide. It would be good also to take the water to a water testing lab and see what comes up. We should have hundreds of samples and compare them.

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What is the minimum 'level' of equipment required for me to perform these exercises at home?

( is this done with a microscope?)

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Yes, a microscope. I could see things at 100x magnification. Most of these were taken at 200 and some at 400x. Some Nanofibers, especially colored ones Are visible to the naked eye, albeit hard to see. Many of the particles in this article, simply looked like “Dust”— Whatever that is, really! You can buy cheaper, student grade microscopes on AmScope, though you need either a Darkfield Condenser or a Darkfield ‘disk’ on the lightsource from above to get the effect I have.

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I think that the shots were needed to make the nano stuf work. Probably becouse it changed your dna.

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I noticed outside there was a ton of small particles flying past our street light, but I couldn’t see it when I looked straight out into the yard. I placed a chair out there for 5 minutes and gathered some of the particles. Put them under a $70 microscope and what I saw was INSANE! The particles were: moving, glowing, 3-Dimensional worm looking thing, spheres coming together. I then tested my regular tap water to compare to what I collected on my slide from outside. Nearly identicle. Then a long fiber looking piece that was 3-D with a ton of colors almost looking like the crazy colore of a kaleidoscope. At one point I saw a bright yellow line move quickly across the slide. This is fucking nuts.

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I'm so happy you could see something with a $70 Microscope! I am about to Post a Part 2 from an additional day of Fog that we just had. Very curious if the same "spheres" as yours. I think the ones I found are actually parasite eggs, or other insect eggs. But not sure if they just got picked up and dumped, or were intentionally released. I also found lots of moving bacteria- so wondering if that was the quick moving line for you. The worm looking things are likely Fibers- if you compare them to my other posts. Where do you live?

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I’m going to see if I can snag some pics to send. Most of the pieces are now connected and overlapping like yours. This is from Chicago. Chemtrails daily for a while now.

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I live in the city of Chicago. I traveled north this past Saturday and saw tons of chemtrails then traveled south on Sunday and saw tons again and now this morning saw them out east. I feel like they are ramping up operations to get in as much as possible before they are told to stop. All my coworkers have gotten so sick since before Christmas.

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Might the Jan 6 reflect 2025 - right now it reads 2024,

Gut-wrenching report

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oops! thanks! I will change it!

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I accept nano tech using aspects of our bodies to recharge ..but do we have confirmation of cells being majority replaced in even one subject with organs showing same?

Wouldn't these people show up as aliens like at drs appointments by now and blood tests, surgerys! By the millions!

Wouldn't blood tests and physical appearance of blood have to be radically different by now,years since this strange aspect discovered in microscopy..why no second stage proof?

I agree videos appeared to prove cells being destroyed..but second stage humans now bloodkess lacking proof or even evidence

WHY such a disconnect here!?

Either we've been fooled or were controlled already at mega levels here seems .anyway blood should be flowing slower if true now nano majority and should be changed in color hue as we see in videos of collapsed cells all clustered in to giant 1/4 cell suze masses . Simple pin prick and slide if VAXXED should show extremes by now not happening like God STOPPED it or we were fooled by videos.

Let's demand proof either way soon if our VAXXED relatives are nano zombies with no blood..Scalpel Please!!

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What's making pets especially susceptible,can you pay for a few full lab analysis and have your subscribers pay for total bill specific vs old donation thing less attractive to some..just ask us!

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Mike was already contacted to analyze the Fog by Reinette Senum. She has more clout.

But FYI- Mike does not want to go down the Nano Rabbit Hole. Heavy Metals is his specialty.

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Not so sure about the pets, except that they (like my cat) are smaller and love to drink water outside in puddles- ergh!

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Hi Greg- I did do a brief check online for a Lab Analysis of Water, and one place said they didn’t test water for Heavy Metals, so that seemed useless to me. I need to do further research on where to send it. Thanks for the idea!

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Mike Adams of natural news.com does it

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Have you considered getting a color match to frequency number similar to Hukda Clark's work where she lists hundreds of frequencys she measured of herbs,vitamins, parasites .I think an app or 2 exists for this.You would then set your Hukda Zapper machine at right frequency and kill the parasites or boost your healthy frequencies

Some evidence they can alter form and function of DNA or morphic forming causes beyond DNA by use of color beams and this is alluded to in mRNA research they try to bury.Keeping a register of all the color frequencies your viewing ie micro scopy may well add up to something big in terms of their agendas.

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I dont even know what that is. I will look i to it, Thanks.

But some of this Tech is so off-planet/Quantum, I dont know how easily it could be zapped.

I Do think Frequency is the Key, tho.

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