
Listen: Essential Oils like Lemon (with the chemical Limonene) and Clove have been shown to reduce the solidification of the plastic polymers into those rubbery clots In The Blood (from experiments by independent microscopist Michael Merrick and others). Dr. Ana also recommends certain essential oils to break down some of these plastic Polymers. Note, Essential Oils are not a Antidote for all Hydrogels or Nanos, But experiments could be done to add TONS of these essential oils to Soaps (without burning your skin!), or buy or make straight Limonene–– (I just did a quick YouTube search- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVZRnVKqkgw and there are tons of videos, Thank God for Evil YouTube!) –– and see if they reduce the Fibers and other Nanos in the soap. (I know we all don't have chemistry labs or Essential Oil Distilling Equipment, but Maybe we should!).... IF Anything, Limonene is Really Good for lots of things! Just an idea! I will say that I tested Bronner's Citrus Bar and it did have plenty of Nanos. But perhaps it wasn't enough Limonene. Also, I personally brush my teeth with added Clove Oil and Lemon Oil and Activate Charcoal to help break down Nanos in my mouth from food and water...but further testing of my own Saliva before and after needs to be done!

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Cool! I learn something new here every time I come here! Thank you

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

This is excellent research. I’m picking up my custom made darkfield microscope this weekend, already looked at my blood and observed nano construction zones, filaments, and hydrogels. My WBCs are extremely activated and envelop the foreign bodies but likely fighting a losing battle.

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

And should add I’m going to join you as a warrior testing medications and everyday household materials as my area of expertise is Environmental Toxicology 💪😊

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That is Fantastic, Steve! Thank you! Do link my Substack when you make any posts so that my followers start following you!

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I dont actually have a substack, LOL just comment alot on others LOL but I subscribed to yours amazing how many times I reply or comment and within only a couple minutes have many responses that why we use this communication weapon LOL I live off grid way out in mountains so dont have any other way. SK

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Roger that! 👍

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Dont give up there are remedies being found

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Sent info on private message on your site let me know if you get it "woke "is not only satanic infiltrated but is pure Maoist communism rebranded for American racial and economic division

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Oh, Yeah, I Totally understand the Woke Agenda!!

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That’s what I am interested in- remedies!! Because they seem to have infiltrated everything.

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

wonderful keep me posted as well THERE MUST BE SOLUTIONS, NATURE ALWAYS chooses what and who survives to the next phase. I dont care what these evil ones do.

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Ooooooh, do keep us posted! I'm super keen to have an intrepid Micronaut see how blood and the constructions fare against the essential oils that FreedomWarriorWoman has mentioned!

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Your microscope! Extremely exciting!

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I sent them a lengthy thing pointing out

the toxicity and dominique guillets proof for it : xochipelli.substack.com

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Yes, Dominique is an incredible researcher. Wish he would post on Substack again!

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Aug 6Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

What would we do without this courage's woman doing the work that we are not able to do. FWW takes time out of her day to test and research these products . I'm sure she is working a full time job to keep her head above water like the rest of us! Let's all get together and help her out. I saw where it is only 5.00a month. What say all of you my family here?! She needs us as much as we need her! Just saying

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Aug 6Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I am wondering if the nanotech can be obliterated by high frequencies of LIGHT, specifically the very high light frequencies which are coming through the solar flares? I believe tests have already been done using colored light and lasers, on the nanotech, with some success with the latter.

There is lots of talk in the (alternative) spiritual community, that these flares are coming from the Central Sun, or Source, and that they are "upgrading" our DNA. The Schumann frequency of Earth has gone off the charts during these recent solar flares.

I am excitedly wondering --- if our DNA can be directly affected by these high intensity light waves in the flares -- might the light frequencies be sufficient to FRY the nanotech (which run on microvolts), if we spend a certain amount of time in the sun, say during the time of a solar flare hitting Earth?

i am aware that some of the micronauts experimented with applying high ELECTRIC charges to the nanotech, but applying high electric shocks to the human body is not a viable treatment for the nanotech.

But these very UNIQUE LIGHT FREQUENCIES in the flares, coming directly from the Intelligent Source of all life --- might this Light have the intelligence (or frequency power of ALL the blended colors of white light) to eradicate this synthetic alien tech that does not belong in the organic human body?

I wonder how you might test this hypothesis, brave Warrior Woman? Perhaps look at your blood before going into the sun, and then after being in the sun for "X" amt of time, take a fresh sample of your blood to see if the nanotech population is diminished?

Wish I had a microscope!

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All good questions!

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Find Paulette's substack, she's using Rife technology.

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

FWW, I am Unable to find Sabrina Wallace on Substack.

Thank you for everything you do.

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Sabrina is Not on Substack unfortunately. She Had an Odyessy channel Only. No other social media presence. She recently took it down. But many people repost her work on other media there- https://odysee.com/$/search?q=psinergy. There is a Telegram Channel @PsinergyArchive

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nonvaxer 420 on Rumble posts her videos and links

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I am wondering if the soaps use a particular oil in them? I make all of my soaps and will put some into the box the water next month FWW.

Thank you for everything and I am supporting you as we all should!

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Contamination could be in any part of the process or ingredients...

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Oh, no, not Dr. Bronners. I use the liquid soap daily. I even use a drop on my toothbrush. Have you contacted them, or contemplate doing so? Just wondering what their reaction would be...

Thank you, FWW, for your excellent work.

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You are welcome! I have not contacted Bronners. I don't think they'd have any idea what I was talking about!

I know, it Really Sucks! I have made my own toothpaste these days: baking soda, sea salt, neem powder, activated charcoal, coconut oil essential oil of lemon and clove.

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Let me know what anyone finds out when contacting them

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Have you tested baking soda?

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No. It's on my List. That would be tragic!!

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let's contact them now

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How would you propose to contact Bronners? Send them an email with FWW's substack attached?

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yes, through whatever means - I assume it comes from distilled water. I am now thinking that using sodium citrate on everything I consume might coagulate the nanos to a degree that they won't work

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Sodium Citrate: in the industry literature one paper states that SC inhibits Hydrogel made from alginate (algae) from forming, but there are many forms of Hydrogel, natural and synthetic. Hydrogel is just one of many Nano ingredients. That is why any heavy metal chelators are key as well. I also recommend Chlorella (and no, I haven't looked at it under the microscope, yet!)- and I believe Sabrina Wallace does too. (She is going to do a video soon (where?) on her supplement recommendations, and I trust her more than just about anyone. Don't forget the power of Sweating too! And Please Note, that even when you are Not actively chelating, you can see Nanofibers and Polymer Nanocrystal Chunks, fluorescing Nanodot formations (as photographed by Dr. David Nixon) and Hydrogel (in the form of 'SMART City' patterns), come out in the Urine under the microscope. So, although some of it does embed into your body organs and tissues (as Clifford Carnicom states), some of it comes OUT Naturally! The body Knows to expel it!

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Yes and I use regular sauna s with wood fired off grid traditional sauna Not infr red or anything emf powered, along with all the above and SONIC FREQUENCIES and my custom tea blend [Dandelion, Burdock, Fennel seed, mints, Lemon Balm,, Horsetail, Plantain, Comfrey , Japanese Buckwheat root ,Pascalite Bentonite clay, Raw Aloe gel, Cilantro. I dont tust , recommend or use EDTA

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Sodium citrate , activated charcoal, alternating with Borax solution , Humic fulvic acid, Vit C , Natto , Horseradish, Glycine/VitC, Fennel seed/Dandelion, the right Zeolite.

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FYI- I just checked Anthony's brand of Sodium Citrate (available on evil Amazon), and it has transparent Nano Fibers and Polymer Nanocrystal Chunks. I did not see active Nanoparticles / Nanobots building these structures.

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All these need to be checked for Nano before taking, for sure. I am searching for a clean source of C for sure. Activated Charcoal is probably safe!

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I suppose we have to check everything now or simply find the right frequency remedies. Contact me Ill tell what Im working on

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Vit. C please check Azure Standards whole foods vitamins.

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Although Bronners products ingredient lists are small, and, I believe FWW mentioned it, the contamination could come from any of the ingredients which are probably all contracted (no pun intended) by suppliers.

The big problem, as I see it, is bot contamination is in virtually everything-- food, water, cosmetics and the very air we breathe. To totally eliminate the toxins from our bodies we would have to use so many products (ivermectin, chlorine dioxide, EDTA, methylene blue, etc, etc.) on a daily or weekly basis, we would likely throw our immune system and entire body totally out of whack.

To be honest, I can think of only two ways to eliminate this crap-- the first one is just die, which I don't recommend. The second solution is to stop the genocide by eliminating (killing) the psychos responsible. This is a gargantuan task that would take thousands of very dedicated, highly trained lovers of humanity. I don't know how long it would take or what the cost would be, but it would end the problem (at least for a few decades).

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

You're correct in your analysis: the contamination appears everywhere in everything. Attacking with known protocols with indiscrimination will throw our immune systems out of whack so caution is definitely the better option. The other facet is that with correct living, correct thinking (spiritually based within human consciousness), etc., the body will adapt to these particles. The human body will overcome their interference which is the origin and mission of the body. Moreover, the ages and times continue to evolve into higher spirituality or etheric form. These particles work on only dense, material bodies. They will not work in higher planes. Which is why they not only dumb down humans but preach atheism or the absence of all spirituality. You can't go back. You can never go home again as the famous title reads. Only onward.

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The human being functions with harmonious electro-magnetic signals. It is claimed that the nano-robots can block out the signals to the "higher" parts of the brain (and substitute other signals). Dangerous territory, this is.

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Your second idea is necessary anyway and SONIC FREQUENCY combined with the known detox ingredients alternating and giving body some breaks in between , I dont trust EDTA . OR we must simply divide timelines and move onto one where this is NOT HAPPENING , IM serious about that.

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Will you please share why you don't trust EDTA?

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Sabrina Wallace warned us all about this years ago. We are lucky we have FWW here to help find some good still left in our world.

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And yes, those sparkly Polymer Nanocrystal chunks and Nano Fibers are totally in the Air floating around. Just check the water in a de-humidifier. Also, some of them travel through the distillation process; I am wondering if it gets activated through the heat of the steam. So I do not think that distilling helps, afterall. In general I have found that the moving nanobots seem to settle down after awhile, after the form fibers or polymer chunks. But I do not know what that means in terms of safety. Some of the Chemtrail/Geoengineering fallout (many of these nanos are) takes years to settle on the ground from the sky, and then we have perhaps 25-50 Years of planetary contamination to 'clean' up. I do not believe this technology is "from here", even though it is being manufactured in laboratories and universities around the world. Those need to get taken down for one thing. Nanotech is a trillion dollar industry, so that won't be easy!

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For a start we need to just take down just Blackrock. Vanguard , State street , and the 500 or so in WEF , the majority of worlds problems would be eliminated then real cleanup could happen whatever happened to ANTI TRUST laws and prosecution ? You dont have to answer I know .

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do you know how blockchain transaction confirmations work? random nodes confirm and the sum of it makes sure it is correct - something like that is necessary for everything nano and there need to be prison sentences for breaches

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The 9/11 perps were just almost allowed a life in prison-- they deserve death. Simple justice works best. These dredges of humanity do not deserve a trial. The innocent people who died because of them ( estimated 34 million worldwide via the Covid-19 "vaxx" alone) did not get a trial to see if they were fit to live. Death by nano will be even worse, in numbers and in suffering.

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Oh my!! How would they be in distilled water? Isn’t that the whole purpose of distilling water, to eliminate all contaminants? Can you please elaborate? Thank you.

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I know! Some people, like FM8 swears by it! But I double distilled well/tap water and tested it under the scope and it was teeming moving bots. Someone just reminded me that humidity can affect bot activity! If you think about it, Nanos fall down from the sky from geoengineering, and we know they are airborne, so it would make sense that they could travel via water vapor. I was really upset. I don’t think there is any filter that could capture them. I think only heavy particles and minerals, like calcium would fall to the bottom of the distiller- perhaps some nanos get stuck to those particles and don’t get back into the water carafe.

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Aug 13Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman


Thank you for all you do!🙏🏻💕

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Excellent thank you for your work. There has been talk for several years now that Bronner's was bought out as Bragg's was, as every seemingly well meaning company has been.

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: (

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There us no way to stop this un less there is a way to shut down NT auto assemly in our bodies... Everything and Everybody is infected...There is nowwhere to hide.. RR

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Now I just assume that every product that labels with water or purified water is going to have Nano. I use babyganics body/hair wash which most likely has nano. Also curious if you tested loud wolf brand 5% iodine. I only ask because it lists that they use purified distilled ozinated water.

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Quite probably from the water. Oh, I apologize if you recommended Wolf Iodine before, I lost track in all the comments and kind of move on once I find something Nano Free..... Now I can't find it on the Internet. Was that the same as J Crow's? Someone recommended that one. ......Interesting. I don't know if distilled water would make a difference, as when I distilled my own water, the moving bots just traveled right through the steam! But maybe the ozone too. I will put it on my list, thank you for the reminder.

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Aug 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Loudwolf. Com is where I found it.

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Found it, thanks!

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At this point, is there anything without this crap in it?

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I’m guessing the parasites that be are putting this shit in either the raw materials or the plastic bottles themselves

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Why not pass it through a RO system? Or sommething like this https://www.quenchsea.world/ which is actually desalination, but variations of would work.

There are so many portable and benchtop systems out there that products like Dr Bronners could be passed through. I am not sure how much of the original product would remain, but RO water has been looking quite good through all of this.

I actually dilute my Dr Bronners with RO water so thinning it out a little more enough to pass through the system would not hurt.

Are you using RO water for washing? If we use contaminated Dr Bronner's for washing, what about the water used with it? I guess many (who can afford it) have household RO systems.

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Hi Cos~ Thanks for those ideas….That QuenchSea thing is revolutionary! ( I mean, I’m sure the Controllers have hidden simply delsalination technology from us for hundreds of years, but)….I am Not using R/O water, yet. I am researching buying my own system, but I have Bought “R/O” water with those Big machines in 2 different stores and they were both full of moving Bots! So, I am not convinced that R/O works. I am going to keep looking at buying water in bulk for now. I have been using bottled Mountain Valley Spring water here from Arkansas, and another Bottled Spring water called Castle Rock, from Mt. Shasta, CA, that are near-perfect (not perfect) Nano-free.

Wouldn’t passing soap thru and R/O system make everything sudsy, and wouldn’t I have to dilute it first? I would think I would have to dedicate an entire R/O system to just soap.

Yes, I think Ultimately, we are going to have to find ways to filter out the Nanos, if that is even possible.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I would rather suds (if it does froth up) than nano, and yes it would need some dilution to further, as I mentioned. There are hand pump systems so you could force most liquids through under whatever pressure you build the system to withstand. The Dr Bronner's I use hardly froth's anyway. I am not in the position to set anything new up at present, but this is the direction I will be going.

I have viewed various water from sources from where I am located, and the RO from my counter top system is totally clear in comparison. It's forced through under a lot of pressure, so the filters are very fine.

I do not purchase any water or consume anything packaged or bottled, I don't trust any 'prepared' product anymore.

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Does fasting help remove nanobots?

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I don't know, but it might. I think sweating could be beneficial though.

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Check out Paulette's substack, she's using Rife technology.

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I doubt it. A guy on substack left his blood on a slide for 108 days and still had nanobots and quantum dots moving on it.

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