Oh, No... Nanos...in Dr. Bronners Soap : (
Investigations under the Microscope of Every Day Products
What’s your favorite Dr. Bronner’s ALL-ONE Pure Castile Soap scent? : Peppermint, Lavender, Citrus, Rose, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Almond, or perhaps Unscented for your precious all-natural Baby? Mine has always Almond.
Every Californian I know uses Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Soap because it is “natural”... Even though we don’t really read, or necessarily prescribe to, crazy ol’ Emanuel Bronner’s profuse proselytizing of peace, praising Cleanliness next to Godliness, uniting Spaceship Earth– we dig that insane bottle packaging anyway and proudly display it in our showers and on sink tops.
And who loves those cute little travel sizes? Me!
And who uses that incredible yummy Fir and Spruce scented all purpose concentrated Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner and stocked up on gallon jugs of it for the apocalypse? Me! Me! Me!
Some of us have even watched the mini-documentary on the story of the Bronner family legacy.
You just can’t beat buying this natural soap, right? (even though it’s gone up almost 30% in price since the inflationary war started ?)
I’m So sorry to report, fellow Nano warriors: yes, even Dr. Bronner’s Liquid and Bar Soaps have Nanos in them. I tested almost every scent.
I am clearly upset by this, although, because of my previous investigations, am not totally surprised to find Nanos in the soaps. Once again, I am assuming that the Dr. Bronner supply chains and factories manufacture their products in good faith, and am not making an accusation that they are intentionally or knowingly adding Nanotechnology to their products.
And, No, I did Not look at any other Dr. Bronner’s products besides Soap (simply because I don’t use them and there are too many to test). I am not going to assume, either way, the Nano content of any other product that I do not personally look at under the microscope.
Now, let’s wash our hands and take a Look!
Please remember that I am always only looking at a few drops of a product on a slide. If I don’t find any Nanos on first look, I always try another sample. In this case, I mixed a few drops of soap with what I believe to be Nano-free water, shook it up in a glass jar, and placed the diluted suds on the freshly cleaned slide under a freshly cleaned cover slip. I also re-check all samples a day or two later, to see if there is any Hydrogel that has developed into the circuit board-like Patterns I termed “Nano SMART Cities”.
Now, these Nanos forms I discovered may not be anything new, but when I chose to take this product on for my own needs, I wanted to be as thorough as possible, knowing that Someone in the Comments, would ask, “BUT WHAT ABOUT PEPPERMINT ??”, so here ya go…
I did Not buy every scent of the soap, and only tested on in Bar form, for comparison. The Scents that I looked at had all 3 types of these Nanos below, but not other Nanos, as described in an earlier post: The Usual Suspects: A Field Guide to Nanos. Please note, in All these products, I found neither Hydrogel nor Nano SMART Cities (yay!), Nano Capsules/Construction Bubbles nor Nano Chips.
But I did see moving Nano Bots, Nano Fibers/Nano Filaments and Polymer Nanocrystal ‘Chunks’.
Hydrogel with Nanocrystal Polymer Chunks, Nano Fiber with Soap Bubbles, and Nano Fiber with interesting yellow-green interior.
In the first part, the general flow from left to right of the bubbles and Bots is natural under the cover slip, but if you watch closely, there are little Bots doing their own thing. The large Bubbles are Soap– not Nano Capsules. In the second part, note the moving Nanobots engaging inside the Polymer Nanocrystal Chunk encased in Soap. The grey fluffy floating stuff is the Soap.
Nano Fiber / Filament with Hydrogel
Nano Fiber / Ribbon
Nano Fiber
Polymer Nanocrystal ‘Chunks’ with Nanobots inside and on the edges.
Tiny Polymer Nanocrystal ‘Chunk’
Nano Fiber / Filament
Polymer Nanocrystal ‘Chunk’ with Nanobots, and Nano Fiber with Nanobots. Note: some of the floating moving particles are just soap floating by and some are moving due to “Brownian Motion’.
…with it’s yummy Spruce and Fir tree essential oils, Sal Suds has a slightly different ingredient list, because it is a “detergent”, not a “Soap”. The Nanos, especially moving Bots were, unfortunately, quite more active and numerous!
Just for a comparison, and my quest to find a Nano-free Soap, I got this NUTRIBIOTIC ORGANIC COCONUT OIL SOAP at the store too. And…..Sorry to say……
Nano Fiber surrounded by clouds of Soap with sparkly Nanobots.
Watch some of the moving Nanobots building around the Soap.
My Question with slippery Soap is: if I wash my hands, face, body, and I use Dr. Bronner’s as a Shampoo, do the Nanos stick ON and absorbed into the skin and scalp, or do they get washed off?
And, listen, I know that some of you Black-Pillers will say in the Comments, “Nanos are in EVERYTHING, there’s Nothing we can do….”. But I am Still on a mission to find Nano-free or Less-Nano products to lessen our exposure, and I hope to be of service to humanity and you.
Also, I hope you are learning How to identify Nanos, especially the sparkly, jittery Bots under Dark Field.
I have a big pile of things next to the Microscope, but what’s next is:
More Supplements by Natural Factors (who makes the clean Iodine),
Coconut Water (because as a Prepper, I am looking for water alternatives to storing beverages.)
Research into Biosensors according to Industry Papers
Listen: Essential Oils like Lemon (with the chemical Limonene) and Clove have been shown to reduce the solidification of the plastic polymers into those rubbery clots In The Blood (from experiments by independent microscopist Michael Merrick and others). Dr. Ana also recommends certain essential oils to break down some of these plastic Polymers. Note, Essential Oils are not a Antidote for all Hydrogels or Nanos, But experiments could be done to add TONS of these essential oils to Soaps (without burning your skin!), or buy or make straight Limonene–– (I just did a quick YouTube search- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVZRnVKqkgw and there are tons of videos, Thank God for Evil YouTube!) –– and see if they reduce the Fibers and other Nanos in the soap. (I know we all don't have chemistry labs or Essential Oil Distilling Equipment, but Maybe we should!).... IF Anything, Limonene is Really Good for lots of things! Just an idea! I will say that I tested Bronner's Citrus Bar and it did have plenty of Nanos. But perhaps it wasn't enough Limonene. Also, I personally brush my teeth with added Clove Oil and Lemon Oil and Activate Charcoal to help break down Nanos in my mouth from food and water...but further testing of my own Saliva before and after needs to be done!
This is excellent research. I’m picking up my custom made darkfield microscope this weekend, already looked at my blood and observed nano construction zones, filaments, and hydrogels. My WBCs are extremely activated and envelop the foreign bodies but likely fighting a losing battle.