Freedom Warrior Woman has kindly made a list of all the microscopists that I know of looking into the depop contents . I agree with all her sentiments expressed in this post too. We may not all agree on terms or details but we are all seeing the same alien substances in blood, products and the environment.
All of us ride on the shoulders of a giant, Clifford Carnicom, who has been microscopically investigating the main basis ( CDB) of what we are dealing with today for 2 + decades and its largely due to his efforts that we know most of the facts of what we are all contaminated with today.
The jab was an upgrade (or part 2 of a 2 stage bio weapon) to the Cross Domain Bacteria in my view. As FWW says, we may all get some parts wrong at times but the fact we are being poisoned is not disputable. The debate on who and how is still alive.
Is it mrna and spike, nano tech, cheap poisons like aluminum that are being sprayed on us like bugs, emf, ha arp frequencies, ionizing and non ionizing radiation, poisoned water, air, clothes , make up, food, supplements, pharma junk or all combined ? - I’d assume all today, if its real and they can do it.
The good news is that some answers for mitigating this have happened over the last 2 years or so and some of these have come from what’s being identified by the collective drive of the people listed. I personally don’t care how or by who, just appreciate the effort that may help my descendants and yours.
Lastly I concur with her call for more people to get a scope to see for themselves and contribute. This work will not be done by the entities that should.
I have looked at blood samples of vaxxed and unvaxxed for over a year, but have not posted my images or observations. I hope to do so soon. As a person who has no known ailments or medical issues, and who takes no vitamins, supplements, medication, or is under any medical treatment, but lives much like an average person, I have observed things that appeared in unvaxxed blood that was once clean. As a parent, I feel compelled to find out more, and wonder why every parent isn't doing the same.
Thank you for this list. It is much more comprehensive than the one I have loosely assembled. I have unsubscribed from over one hundred substacks, but I keep the ones of microscopists, and those related to geo-engineering and homesteading.
It truly is overwhelming. We've all been traumatised over the last 5 years from an attack on humanity by traitorous deep state powers. No doubt we're all just trying to do the best we can to stay sane, fight the tyranny and survive intact.
I simply can't keep up with all the microscopy Substacks (or multiple other Substacks). When I'm not focusing on my own microscopy, I'm reading and observing the work of others, or mostly grappling with the mind-warping stealth tyranny going on.
Frequently I'm too overwhelmed and have to switch off. Microscopy is one thing - the dire political insanity and societal meltdown is quite another thing. We're being stretched in all directions. It's a deliberate PsyOp - death by a thousand cuts.
Frankly, there's too much information for anyone to process. We have to find our own ways to cope with the totality of assault on humanity. Humming and whistling helps. Stay joyful. Laugh! Smile.
Once you’ve learned what’s happening I recommend a spiritual approach. I pray every day for divine intervention. Political insanity and chaos is also a psyop so I don’t give it any thought or energy. Overwhelming us gives this evil a foothold. Keep whistling my friend, and consider adding prayer for mercy and protection.
Kid Microscope Science Kits, 100X 400X 1200X Trinocular Magnification Beginner Toy Home School Educational Biological Hand Held Camera Compound Scope with slides for Kids Children
Wonderful to understand how many (I recognized a few) and to be able to locate and follow their work. I know the Healing For The A.G.E.S. team now have 2 of the more powerful scopes (like those used in research, pharma, etc.) as does Dr Robert Young and are looking at what's in the blood, urine, etc.
Multiple perspectives & observations from diverse sources make for a much more powerful and compelling case that the intentional harms associated with the "Bioweapons Countermeasures Prototype" jabs had nothing to do with healing, but were instead the means to doing both shrt-and longer-term harm, while implanting the components of nano-scale technological origin for the purpose of growing the apparatuses desired for bioenergy harvesting, and connection/surveillance/monitoring & control via the Internet of Humans/Internet of Things - the WBAN. Sabrina Wallace / Non-Vaxer420 are another amazing resource for how the technology is being applied and how the next "phases will further the intrusion "under the skin" that has been long predicted and sought after.
This was a truly generous (and highly valued) gesture - many thanks!
I periodically revisit each of them as there are kernels of important truth or insights from each to be gleaned (but I appreciate your concern on Dr Young, thank you - we follow (loosely) his PH dietary guidelines and what we learn from others, for example). As a reference, it was the Healing For The A.G.E.S. docs who helped to flesh out (for me) the concept of multiple vectors for the integration of the "cocktail" of nefarious heavy metals, graphene oxide, the quantum dots, smart dust, etc., from multiple sources (geoengineering, food, air, water, pharmaceuticals, ad nauseum) that are then combined in the body to accomplish many purposes -- including interaction with the electromagnetic frequencies that are already disrupting our own bioenergetic processes, exacerbated by the range of frequencies and concentrations, etc., of them. One great example is a clip form one of Dr Ealy's classroom presentation about how the same combination of chemicals and metals disables plants and their cellular structure as is accomplished in ours - and how very specifically en deliberately these are being used to render us not only susceptible to but manipulated by those implanting us for their agenda. It's only a short clip -- if you've not seen it Thanks for taking the time to reply!
Thanks - a really good idea to promote this list. My only addition would be La Quinta, not sure if they have a sub stack page.
One interesting view that I read about yesterday, is the Hydrogel has been included in the vials to protect us from the contained Graphene Oxide. However, it’s not foolproof, hence the deaths and injuries so far.
Nick, I strongly suspect La Quinta is controlled opposition. They falsely claimed that nicotine dissolved nanotech, and if I recall correctly, at one point they were promoting MasterPeace.
Reposted with Thanks.
Freedom Warrior Woman has kindly made a list of all the microscopists that I know of looking into the depop contents . I agree with all her sentiments expressed in this post too. We may not all agree on terms or details but we are all seeing the same alien substances in blood, products and the environment.
All of us ride on the shoulders of a giant, Clifford Carnicom, who has been microscopically investigating the main basis ( CDB) of what we are dealing with today for 2 + decades and its largely due to his efforts that we know most of the facts of what we are all contaminated with today.
The jab was an upgrade (or part 2 of a 2 stage bio weapon) to the Cross Domain Bacteria in my view. As FWW says, we may all get some parts wrong at times but the fact we are being poisoned is not disputable. The debate on who and how is still alive.
Is it mrna and spike, nano tech, cheap poisons like aluminum that are being sprayed on us like bugs, emf, ha arp frequencies, ionizing and non ionizing radiation, poisoned water, air, clothes , make up, food, supplements, pharma junk or all combined ? - I’d assume all today, if its real and they can do it.
The good news is that some answers for mitigating this have happened over the last 2 years or so and some of these have come from what’s being identified by the collective drive of the people listed. I personally don’t care how or by who, just appreciate the effort that may help my descendants and yours.
Lastly I concur with her call for more people to get a scope to see for themselves and contribute. This work will not be done by the entities that should.
I have looked at blood samples of vaxxed and unvaxxed for over a year, but have not posted my images or observations. I hope to do so soon. As a person who has no known ailments or medical issues, and who takes no vitamins, supplements, medication, or is under any medical treatment, but lives much like an average person, I have observed things that appeared in unvaxxed blood that was once clean. As a parent, I feel compelled to find out more, and wonder why every parent isn't doing the same.
Thank you for this list. It is much more comprehensive than the one I have loosely assembled. I have unsubscribed from over one hundred substacks, but I keep the ones of microscopists, and those related to geo-engineering and homesteading.
It truly is overwhelming. We've all been traumatised over the last 5 years from an attack on humanity by traitorous deep state powers. No doubt we're all just trying to do the best we can to stay sane, fight the tyranny and survive intact.
I simply can't keep up with all the microscopy Substacks (or multiple other Substacks). When I'm not focusing on my own microscopy, I'm reading and observing the work of others, or mostly grappling with the mind-warping stealth tyranny going on.
Frequently I'm too overwhelmed and have to switch off. Microscopy is one thing - the dire political insanity and societal meltdown is quite another thing. We're being stretched in all directions. It's a deliberate PsyOp - death by a thousand cuts.
Frankly, there's too much information for anyone to process. We have to find our own ways to cope with the totality of assault on humanity. Humming and whistling helps. Stay joyful. Laugh! Smile.
Once you’ve learned what’s happening I recommend a spiritual approach. I pray every day for divine intervention. Political insanity and chaos is also a psyop so I don’t give it any thought or energy. Overwhelming us gives this evil a foothold. Keep whistling my friend, and consider adding prayer for mercy and protection.
Wow, definitely one for the list - concise and well explained video overview for curious initiates to get a handle on the situation.
This is a 22 page post with all the details regarding anti-Nano triangles.
Thanks for putting this together, good for those starting out and not knowing where to look. ❤️
I think this Substack might be a good addition to your list:
Oh, Neo Was in there! What happened? Sorry, perhaps when I was moving things around! Apologies, Neo!
No worries;)
I just started posting 3.5 months ago, but I'm trying to put out some relevant posts :)
I still have years of work to still post. I'll do a post now :)
Have a great week!
You’re doing a really great job!! Neo must’ve got lost in the matrix 😁 Appreciate everyone’s stellar efforts ❤️
Thank you Kim:)
I just started posting 3.5 months ago.
Like I said. I'm building steam. It takes time.
Apologies, Neo! You were in there originally. Perhaps when I was moving things around, your's got accidentally deleted. I will add you back in!
Kid Microscope Science Kits, 100X 400X 1200X Trinocular Magnification Beginner Toy Home School Educational Biological Hand Held Camera Compound Scope with slides for Kids Children
I'm building steam
Wonderful to understand how many (I recognized a few) and to be able to locate and follow their work. I know the Healing For The A.G.E.S. team now have 2 of the more powerful scopes (like those used in research, pharma, etc.) as does Dr Robert Young and are looking at what's in the blood, urine, etc.
Multiple perspectives & observations from diverse sources make for a much more powerful and compelling case that the intentional harms associated with the "Bioweapons Countermeasures Prototype" jabs had nothing to do with healing, but were instead the means to doing both shrt-and longer-term harm, while implanting the components of nano-scale technological origin for the purpose of growing the apparatuses desired for bioenergy harvesting, and connection/surveillance/monitoring & control via the Internet of Humans/Internet of Things - the WBAN. Sabrina Wallace / Non-Vaxer420 are another amazing resource for how the technology is being applied and how the next "phases will further the intrusion "under the skin" that has been long predicted and sought after.
This was a truly generous (and highly valued) gesture - many thanks!
Dr. Robert Young falls into the charlatane category, unfortunately. I no longer follow his work.
I periodically revisit each of them as there are kernels of important truth or insights from each to be gleaned (but I appreciate your concern on Dr Young, thank you - we follow (loosely) his PH dietary guidelines and what we learn from others, for example). As a reference, it was the Healing For The A.G.E.S. docs who helped to flesh out (for me) the concept of multiple vectors for the integration of the "cocktail" of nefarious heavy metals, graphene oxide, the quantum dots, smart dust, etc., from multiple sources (geoengineering, food, air, water, pharmaceuticals, ad nauseum) that are then combined in the body to accomplish many purposes -- including interaction with the electromagnetic frequencies that are already disrupting our own bioenergetic processes, exacerbated by the range of frequencies and concentrations, etc., of them. One great example is a clip form one of Dr Ealy's classroom presentation about how the same combination of chemicals and metals disables plants and their cellular structure as is accomplished in ours - and how very specifically en deliberately these are being used to render us not only susceptible to but manipulated by those implanting us for their agenda. It's only a short clip -- if you've not seen it Thanks for taking the time to reply!
Yes, Love Dr. Ealy, thank you!
Thanks - a really good idea to promote this list. My only addition would be La Quinta, not sure if they have a sub stack page.
One interesting view that I read about yesterday, is the Hydrogel has been included in the vials to protect us from the contained Graphene Oxide. However, it’s not foolproof, hence the deaths and injuries so far.
Nick, I strongly suspect La Quinta is controlled opposition. They falsely claimed that nicotine dissolved nanotech, and if I recall correctly, at one point they were promoting MasterPeace.
They do not have a Substack, specifically.
Yeah, there's something fishy about them unfortunately.
A person who calls himself Neo could also be included. Sorry don’t know how to link that here, on my phone.
Ok - didn’t know that about MasterPeace. As for the Nicotine remedy, some people now promoting it.
Alternative Roots on FB- not sure if she's on substack. And Ria Nomore Silence.
Any Updates on green light therapy ? Still viable? Expansion plans ?
I would ask Matt and Sam-
This is great, I will add this list to all of my posts related to these issues !
Thanks for this, friend.
This is awesome! Thank you!