Jul 16Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman


30. A method for inhibiting growth of a microorganism associated with Morgellons disease, said method comprising contacting the microorganism with an inhibitor selected from the group consisting of an antioxidant of n-acetyl cysteine, glutathione, vitamin C and sodium citrate so that growth of the microorganism is inhibited.

Patent History

Publication number: 20160090571

Type: Application

Filed: Sep 30, 2015

Publication Date: Mar 31, 2016

Applicant: Orior, LLC (https://patents.justia.com/assignee/orior-llc) (Roseland, NJ)

Inventor: Clifford E. Carnicom (https://patents.justia.com/inventor/clifford-e-carnicom) (Wallace, ID)

Application Number: 14/871,544

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Thank you for sharing this, makes for an interesting read.

'It may be the smallest unit of this organism that is capable of growth and reproduction. The general size of the microorganism ranges between 0.5 and 1.0 microns, or an average of 0.6-0.8 microns.'

Albeit at a particular stage of development, this finding may assist with water filter cartridge selection, by selecting filtering capabilities down to 0.5 micron (lower if possible) this has the potential to capture some of the particles in our water usage.

Also mentioning the now common theme of the link to Iron. I hear of many of the elderly now having Iron tranfusions, after having their Iron depleted (consumed) by the organism, this sadly appears to feed the cause.

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Carnicom Patent is not theory it is 5,000 papers investigating CBD. RR

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

It appears quite obvious that any product, liquid and mixture containing more than one solution will be contaminated. For example bottled, tubed and package items.

Here are some items I would be curious about:

- Juice obtained from an apple, I guess will be similar to the orange result

- juice obtained from potatoes

- Thawed ice from frozen vegetables, lets say from a pea

- A drop of gasoline

- Egg yolk and egg white

- Garlic juice liquid fresh from a Clove

- Honey, as close as possible to genuine honey and labelled organic

- A grain of rice left to soak in a sealed container with some RO water

There are so many more, but I prefer not to publicize which items need to be contaminated to fulfill their dreams. Also why if ocean water is tested it will tell such a massive story.

I think some of the above will be a no brainer, others might be interesting.

Although it is air borne and makes it way into everything, there will be some items that are simply not beneficial to contaminate, (if it holds intelligence) this is why it is priceless to keep looking.

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That should keep me busy for awhile ; )

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Thanks for the ideas. I will put them on the To-Do Pile. I also want to try to get tree sap directly from a tree. I've got my friend at the Ocean today, will bring me some ocean water. : )

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Yes that's another interesting one, tree sap.

My initial thoughts on Ocean Water would be anything close to shore will show quite a collection of 'ingredients', but further out may come clear, but will wait with baited breath on your findings.

I have a large Aloe Vera plant on my property, I am fairly sure that (unfortunately will be loaded due to the high water containment in the leaves.

Any product that consistently comes up clear provides a lead, that's all we need is a lead.

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Jul 17Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Ezekiel 19:10 King James Bible

Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters.

Revelation 22:2 the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nationa

Also all tree leaf compounds and (wormwood) needs to be tested against all the nano tech

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I think you should look at Nigaloo. Go on holiday. 😁 That's where I'm going to take my kids.

Eventually there will be Devine intervention. Cutting off our adversaries from what influences them. Be a big day.

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Jul 16Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Please look at Q-tips cotton swabs the kind we use for cosmetics, baby care, etc.

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You can come over to my sub stack operation save humanity sub stack and use any of my articles for an article you're more than welcome to share

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Jul 16Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Thank you❤️

Please look at liquid on bottom of pkg. of baby wipes.

Berkey filtered water.

Vodka (many tinctures are made with).

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I have a Berkey. It's Not perfect, but its pretty good. Better than the R/O water you buy in a store coming out of a faucet. I will report back, Thanks.

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Thank YOU!

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Jul 16Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman


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Thank you for your polite reply & thank you again for your microscopy work

The ( only )100% universally agreed cure from

All the current leading doctors & scientists & Spanish team la Quinta Columima to remove all nano tech from the body is. EDTA !

Getting edta into the blood stream cleans out every thing & returns

Our blood to its natural state


via IV infusion works

which most people cannot affoard .. so the latest idea for us to get EDTA . Into our blood stream is under the tongue sublingually

Sublingual edta gets 45% of a

1000 mg capsule of EDTA emptied out under the tongue and held for 6 mins to dissolve as edta is NOT water soluble.. it takes time to dissolve it under the tongue & 6 mins seems to be the average..

So in

Essence we need ! Two 1000mg

Capsules of edta held sublingual will give us the same/ equivalent or 90% of

IV blood infusion of edta chelation ..

So you previously you asked what would we like you to test with your microscope … then the holy grail to test would be blood before & after EDTA under the tongue sublingually as this has not been done by anyone

Many thanks. Jd

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Oh wow, what is the best place to get Edta? Isnt there also Disodium EDTA?

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Yes, you want Disodium EDTA, according to Dr. Ana. There are several companies and ways to get it in your body. I am in the process of testing them for Nano contamination. I will report back!

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I will wait for the test. TY

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I put one capsule under my tongue and watched the clock. Ten minutes later it was still there.....

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Wow I just saw how we can all support this amazing woman. She an is asset for us. I always wondered what is in some of the so-called miracle products from the main stream truther channels and the universe brought me here. 60 dollars a year is nothing my people. There is 5 dollar a month as well. I am in 100%. We can't afford not to have FreedomWarriorWoman! Thank you my dear 👍😘

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I want to send the arii tomorrow. I need to know where to send it again. Send it to my proton mail. I'll send you a nice card with some change to help you out!

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Hi Trudy. Thank you! Now, I can't find where to email your proton address! I sent you Direct Message here on Substack if you click on the Chat Bubble. Or email me at FreedomWarriorWoman@protonmail.com and I will send you the PO Box.

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Sex lube .. 🤣 prob all owned by bill gates & old German family .

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I know that Karl C looked at a (unused) lubed Condom and it looked suspicious. No Doubt that Any lubrication for the body is contaminated. Its Bound to have Hydrogel in it. I think Dr. Ana said she looked at Ultrasound Jelly and it was. I will see if I can find any for you.

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Hello Warrior Woman!

I have something I'd love for you to test against nano, whether in blood or body fluid. It's called Microbe Blast, and it may be really great for dissolving polymers, biofilms, etc. The product was so powerful and effective that the FDA almost shut them down. At minimum, they can make only the most innocuous claims of it's method of action, and it's a "proprietary formula".


I'm in the Spooky2 Rife forum and one of the gals there offered to send a 4oz bottle to anyone who could see how it works under the scope against the nano.

Would you be willing to give it a try? I can connect you two!

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Hi AncientHeart~ Yes, I would be interested in looking at it. Please connect us. She can send me a DM here or at FreedomWarriorWoman@protonmail.com - Thanks!

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I will reach out to Nancy and we can get this party started! :)

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If I sent you some doTERRA essential oil and sunscreen, would you test that for me?

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Hiya QueenOfTheStreets~ Here is a long answer: I Tested doTerra’s OnGuard Chewable Tablets hoping to find a yummy easy way of ingesting those comparable Essential Oils from the Thieves Blend that one microscopist found to disrupt the solidification of the Rubbery Clots. Those Tablets are FULL of moving bots! : ( It could be Any of the ingredients, however. I do also know that 2 of our Microscopists found Nanos in certain doTerra bottles (I could check on which Oils). Was there a specific Oil you are fond of? Or are you a distributor? I have 6 DoTerra tree oils and am happy to give them a quick look. If anything, they may have a random fiber or polymer nanocrystal chunk, which is in basically Everything ( I think many just fall from the sky). Moving Bots would be worrisome! I doubt they have make Nano Smart Cities, or Nano Chips. If doTerra is contaminated it may be Per Plant Oil, not from the doTerra packaging facility. But that being said, if there is a trend of contamination, that is a good indication to avoid that brand. I randomly tested an oil by Aromatics by putting a couple drops on see if the Pinyon Pine (my Favorite Oil!) would do anything to disrupt something else on the slide and it didn’t seem to be contaminated or have an effect, except for beading up and getting messy like Oil does. ( I am not specifically endorsing them as Nano free, as a more thorough investigation needs to happen.) As for the doTerra Sunscreen, that would be good to do, as there are many ingredients. It’s a little tricky because it’s Opaque; I would have to add water. Do you have access to the little Sample packets of all the DoTerra products that they sell? If so, you could send a few on to me. I MIGHT have a little Toothpaste sample (Once again, tricky because it’s opaque). How about I look at what I have, and get back to you within the week, and if you still want some things tested, you could become a Paid Subscriber and send me a few things. Could you please send me a Direct Message and say Hi, otherwise, I may not be able to find you again in the Sea of Comments! Thank You!

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I was wondering, when you check some foods, such as oranges and orange juice, do you buy organic ones to test? Farmers are spraying with pesticides, herbicides and glyphosate, which “supposedly” organic foods are not sprayed with. So additionally to the nano and heavy metals chemtrail sprayed water that gets into the roots, those other chemicals are probably full of nanotech as well. We squeeze organic orange juice every day, so curious if it’s better if organic; or maybe we should use paper-coffee filters on it, too.

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Hi Stella~ orange one I checked I Think was organic because a landscaper gave to me from a local tree. I’m planning on checking the veggies in my garden and I have access to lots of local fruit trees. So many toxins even in organic foods…. I have well water, but am being sprayed with chemtrails right over my house, as I live in an agriculturally rich area. I do know that Round Up and GMO synthetic foods were all designed to go hand in hand with the poisonous synthetic-ization of our bodies. We have do what we can!

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I just discovered you—what amazing work you do! Have you evaluated Vital Plan’s supplements? vitalplan dot com Thanks!

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Hi Jill~ Thank you! I had not heard of his products before! Some of them are a bit pricey! Let's hope that he does source good ingredients! Interestingly, I just looked at an herbal sleep powder product that was full of both nanos and bacteria moving around! Do you have any samples of his products I could look at? You could mail me one pill in each bottle and I will review them if you become a yearly Subscriber for $60 and I will post the results if you like. Send me a direct message and I will give you my Post Office Box. Thanks!

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