Spit balling -I have often thought why would you implement a 'drying curing period' for development of such tech, when nothing is dry within our bodies?

What springs to my mind of possibilities could be:

- All surface properties on earth to be I.O.T (internet of things). Fair enough, but what happens when it rains? Does it reform and the towers kick in until all dries again?

- Our skin dries from time to time so once again I.O.T. until we wash?

- When we die we dry out six feet under. Is this providing 'sub soil' wireless mesh network? The more who die the larger the mesh network grows?

Much like when dr Nixon found colloidal gold breaks down the hydro-gel, but only when drying. When within the human body and 'wet' it no longer works.

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Excellent Question! And obviously there are no flat surfaces in our bodies, so it is behaving differently on a glass slide. I stays moist for quite awhile under the coverslip. So perhaps it stop growing/forming when it runs out of moisture (as it is "Wetware"). Most of these patterns are on the edges of the slide, where the Oxygen gets in. Need to do more research on the properties of Hydrogels. Thanks!

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omg ~ what a thought! The more who die, the more it grows!

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Have you tested Pure Sleep from Clif? I am packing the box now and if you want it I will add it for you. It is open and has plenty in it. I seem to get leg cramps when I use it. It could be other things I take causing that. I am not sure. I will DM you with the info on shipping. I really appreciate you!

Love from NE Florida

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Oh Sorry I didn't see this earlier today. Sure, put some in if it's not too late! You can just leave me like a tsp. and send the container, and keep the rest for yourself. Oh, I appreciate You!

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I think I can reply to your direct message. I still have the instructions and waiting for my man to bring the paper work for the things coming your way.

Much Love to you my dear lady


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I am so grateful to have found this fine young lady on Substack! I only follow 2 people you and Clif High!

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I do know that pectin is the only thing that will take out aluminum. Good on you with all of the great information my dear.

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Weirdly I didn't see anything in my pee despite seeing loads of things in my blood and saliva. I need to give it another go. Do you mind if I use a couple of your images from this post on my next post? Of course I'll give credits and provide the link to this post. I also found hexagonal tree shaped lines that I suspect have something to do with carbon/graphene.

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Did you let it sit on the slide for a few days? Even a week or two, something might show up around the edges. But I guess if it doesn’t, then that’s good! You are welcome to link to my page and use my photos with credit, yes. : )

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Interesting pictures! Have you tested just the water-dissolved sodium citrate under the microscope yet?

I tested the SC alone first and got similar formations. Then I added a drop of SC to a drop of fresh blood, and the same shapes appeared in the plasma. For me the same, they only formed at the edges of the slides. I still haven't decided whether SC naturally crystallizes like this or if they are nano formations. I'm still researching references on this. Congratulations on your photos!

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I am pretty sure I did test my Sodium Citrate months ago, but I will take another look, thanks!

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How much sodium citrate do you take? Also I am wondering if you have tested the effects of chlorine dioxide on the invaders. Thanks for all your info.

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HI Katherine~ I was taking 1 tsp of Sodium Citrate 2x a day in juice or smoothie. Unfortunately, the brand I used–Anthony’s–ended up having Nanos in it. : ( I need to do another search and will post if I find a clean one. I have not Yet tested Chlorine Dioxide on the slide itself, but my guess it that it helps with symptoms and overall health of the body, but cannot destroy the polymers, or someone would have told us. Hope that helps!

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I love your post! In artistic appeal alone it has merit! :)

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How much would it cost for analysis for pee pee? I don't you want to get overwhelmed but I am sure I can have my doctor run test and I can send them to you or I can send it to you on ice. I am an environmental specialist here in Florida and the things I learned is crazy. I worked primarily in hydrocarbon clean up. The lies are everywhere. I once cleaned up a small area of diesel fuel spill with sugar and hydrogen peroxide. Just saying

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If you are going to become a paid subscriber, I am happy to look at your pee as well as the arii. Put it in a Tight container, obviously! On ice, would probably be wise considering the heat, but the Nano will still be there. I don't imagine that your doctor can identify Nanos under the microscope! Wow on the environmental clean up. Yes, I was an environmental educator for years, and I am ashamed of some of the lies I was teaching. I never trusted the EPA!

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Jul 24Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I don't partake in fiat dollars. I am sending you silver. It's worth much more my dear. I'll send the arii my friend.

I agree with you regarding the EPA and the rest of the 3 letter agencies. They are all money pits. If I read doctor approved I run like hell the other way!

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Wow! Thanks!!!

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I am packing it now and will send you the info to track it. Do you want it here. It makes no difference to me.


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as long as it is on a Direct Message, that's fine.

Thanks! I will get to it ASAP when I get it!

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We are on direct message now? I'm not sure how to do it unless this is direct message. I am not very computer literal sad to say!

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May i suggest FM8' Zapper and Spike "magnetic back-scattering" devices, along with Immersion baths, with Epsom, Sea, Himalayan salts, borax, CDS...

According to its creator, it KNOCKS OUT THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE THESE NANOPARTICLES CARRY to be able to infiltrate our bodies without being treated as foreign entities...

Our bodies then recognise them as invaders and proceeds to expel them.

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whats the zapper & spike? Is that the triangle or something different?

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How much is it?

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Yes, it's FM8's and he does another complementary device he calls "the spike"... You can find it on Rumble

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(1st time here) Not an expert, but can't some of those be normal occurring salts and Cellular debris..?

What's your opinion?

What equipment are you using?

Thank you!

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Having teeth with amalgam under your tongue must be difficult for you .

My information is wasted here with that level of stupidity..

I shall unsubscribe now ..

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These images have been demonstrated by dr Ann milhalcea & Clifford carnicom & several leading scientists over a year now including

la Quinta columna

resulting in a mutually agreed opinion that the only (One) treatment that cleans the blood 100% is EDTA

EDTA Iv chelation

As demonstrated by many leading scientists using dark field microscopy

Returns blood to its normal state

The 2ND best treatment for those who cannot get to a Iv clinic

Is EDTA held sublingual under the tongue to enter the blood stream at 45%

NOT to be swallowed..as it interferes with your gut biome

There it is the cure & answer ..

Why? the majority of people who know this information but do not act now !while they can is beyond comprehension.. ?

The survivors of this will be the people who self treat now with edta that’s fact ..

They will record the history of the masses we are about to loose ..

It always surprises me when I visit many forums & comment sites across the internet..

at the level IQ of people

who simply do not understand they are about to be terminated..

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You.....are an absolute retard.......there is no known cure. Just because one gets their blood looking clean doesn't equate to a cure........this stuff is building and littered throughout your tissue folds in the skin, all sorts of structures. Unbelievable making comments like that about other people's IQ and then making presumptions about cures.

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But for those who have amalgams & cannot take EDTA, what other options are there?

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Why can't you take EDTA?

I have amalgams, or what's left of them. My suffering is as a direct result of them, but am I going to a dentist to get vaccinated? No f-cking way! Much better spending some money on pliers or forceps for self removal of the teeth.

Oral EDTA has helped me no end, yet to try under the tongue, but soon will.

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It redistributes the mercury. Could be very dangerous & end up in your brain.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 24

Genuine question - Is there any documentation on redistribution of Mercury when using EDTA? I did notice that statement on Dr Young's article. There is a battle going on regarding the use of EDTA, I can only wonder why it is so contentious.

After 40 years I would say it is/was throughout my body, but definitely feel better overall after using EDTA for approx. 3 years now. I just checked my Amalgams to decide whether to pull or grind, it appears I don't have much left, but also explains metal distribution in me.

What's the alternative? Die?

When EDTA binds to metals, then is detected as foreign matter, I would argue it has a better chance of being expelled, not distributed?

I am aware that the increasing EMF, RF & ELF, particularly pulsing, is releasing metals from sources like Amalgams, which then distributes throughout our body.

Where I am located this usually occurs on a greater extent Thursdays due to excess power being released from the grid increasing output through to ALL wireless devices, as a result of less consumption as people wind down for the weekend. This sometimes also occurs on Sunday mornings. As a result I/we are left with this excess load of metals circulating.

As an engineer it took a while to figure this out, but it directly correlates with charts from power companies logging of consumption. We didn't necessarily feel this prior to the exponential increasing of weakening of the earth's magnetic field.

Effectively our own creations are going to kill us off as the pole shift also takes place, and they are using this tool to their advantage.

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Wise man

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Hi WWoman,

I really enjoyed your images on the big screen, they are all so interesting, mesmerising details.

If you have a look at image #13 "The truth comes out....Titanic hit by UFO's" what I see bottom left of image = looks like a sinking statue of Liberty going down, head, face and crown and right arm holding torch (has gone out). I am so glad you were on the scene to capture these unbelievable events. KK

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Wow! Do you mean my pee is making Oracles, like the Remote Viewer people! Who knows? The Nanos Know!!

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Hahaa hahaa...

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"beautiful"! :) i think the nano ninja is my favorite.

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If you google crystals in urine you certainly don't see any images like these !!

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U mean truthful Google ?

Flea by name

Flea size brain !

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You've mistaken what I've written and got your self all triggered😂😂😂

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what brand of lemon essential oil? I am

assuming you ingest? Young living?

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Hi – I bought Health Ranger's. I have not looked at Young Living, but I believe that some microscopists don't think some of Young Living's are pure from Nanos. I know that some microscopists found that of DoTerra's aren't. (In fact, I bought DoTerra's ON Guard (Thieves alternative) Chewables were teeming with moving bots. I am going to research buying organic lemon essential oil in Bulk, cause hey, this is a daily, forever regiment, and its edible in lots of things. I would put your money in bulk. If I find something and it looks good, I will share in a NOTE. Hope that helps!

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oh wow-I bought Young Living frankinsence to put on my skin. Where do I find Health Ranger's? Is anything safe?

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Note: It's really the d-Limonene chemical in the Lemon Oil that the literature says dissolves polymers, and I think Lemon would have the most. But other citrus oils have it as well, as well as some other plant oils.

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It may be the ethanol in the fruit,

Ethanol works like a disinfectant, The body prefers to make its own ethanol, via fermentation,

So lots of raw wombok , and I have a brandy before bed ,

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Yes, there Are things without Nanos in it, adn some products better than others.. Yes you can ingest Lemon Oil: put in water or liquid first. This is Mike Adams Health Ranger Store: (But I Did NOT look at it under the scope). https://www.healthrangerstore.com/products/organic-lemon-essential-oil-0-5oz-15ml – Mike Tests all his products for Heavy Metals and pesticides, but not Nanos. He knows about them, but doesn't want to go there. But still, he has high standards for purity of his products.

But buying Bulk is cheaper. I'm ordering this right now to test it: https://bulknaturaloils.com/lemon-oil-cold-pressed-organic-ehm1205.html – Tho I have no idea if this company is Nano free, as they source things from all over the world; that could be good or bad for Nanos.

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Note: I just checked that website above, (bulknaturaloils) and the Shipping Cost is ridiculous, so I'm going to look elsewhere for Bulk Lemon Essential Oil.

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