This is amazing! I was mesmerized watching each video process! It’s such a blatant reminder, in case we forgot or didn’t notice, how miraculous creation is! Thank you! 🙏🏻 wonderful works!

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Thank you! Yes, can you imagine what happens on the microscopic scale, not to mention Nanoscale All the time that we are not aware of?

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FWW..you simply have to display your images in a coffee table book or gallery display...they are exquisite pieces of art !

I am spellbound🙃koppykat

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excellent work!

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I will put it simply, thank you for all the work.

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Once again, great images and great titles to go with them!

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Thank you for your fantastic work well done. 💕👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Another thought, has anyone tried turpentine (pure gum spirits) for dissolving the nano and tested to see if it is of any use? I have used it for general clean out as per Dr Jennifer Daniel's suggestion but a friend is using it regularly and is adamant that is clears brain fog and fatigue. Here are some links: http://www.extremehealthradio.com/ep-222-dr-jennifer-daniels-the-many-uses-of-turpentine-to-help-heal-the-body-improve-health/ and Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman on turpentine (pure gum spirits) https://www.bitchute.com/video/jQRO0iGOwg6M/

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Where do U buy yours please? 🙏

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Who cares if they're poisoning and stealing our minds, bodies and souls -- they're making such purdy pictures! :-)

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It’s called “the Sublime” in art.

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Would you stretch to 'Romanticism'?

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A wanderer looking out across a sea of mist!!

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Actually a lot of those images are really interesting. 'Moonlight Nano Storm Front' I've seen that crystal formation before. The most intriguing one for me is the one right after that “Mt. Totoro volcano paves over nano village”. You don't want to know where I saw 'Moonlight Nano Storm Front', but you might be interested where I saw those straight rod/cylinder forms of “Mt. Totoro volcano paves over nano village”...

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You must feel like you are going where no “man” has gone before. Very cool.

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It is really an endless universe! I was just thinking about how to empty an entire carpule (vial) of substances onto a giant slide to explore the entire terrain in one place, to see what develops!

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Thank you. Why do you think there is EDTA in the injections? And are you a supporter of using this to detox the nano?

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EDTA is used as like a preservative in all sorts of things- keeping stability and shelf life of a product. You can buy bags of it online as a culinary or cosmetic ingredient! It is also used in a gel form sitting at the bottom of Blood Vial tubes when you get your blood taken. THis is obviously a different use than as a medical blood chelating therapy that is well-documented.


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Check the ingredients of virtually all liquids you buy - cosmetics, drinks, etc.. and you'll find EDTA as ingredient. It's not knew to the food and cosmetics industries - I've seen that ingredient for more than 40 years since I knew it was needed to prevent the settling of other ingredients!

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I actually just did a second round of an EDTA intravenous drip chelation and am assessing the results of my blood and urine. I have no doubt that it does chelate heavy metals out of the body, as easily seen in urine test results before and after chelation. (I’m waiting for my results). My fear is that the bags of Saline that are used as the carrier for the small amount of EDTA added to the Saline is Contaminated with Nano. I know other microscopists who have found Nano in those bags of Saline they use at the hospital! I personally tested the EDTA liquid that was used in my Saline bag, and the that liquid itself did not appear to be contaminated, However, re-checking my blood After Chelation, I have found both Hydrogel and moving Nanoparticles/Bots in my blood. So Sheesh! What to do!? I suppose make our own Saline. I should do a Post on it all. Right now I am using Oral EDTA from Tulip Biopharma, which is not supposed to be As effective as intravenous, for obvious reasons. I personally believe that EDTA removes the metals in our body that make up the Nano. I am not sure about the Hydrogel and Hydrogel structures though. I am hesitant to make an endorsement until I finish my research. Hope that Helps!

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Thanks. This whole thing is nightmare, especially as there is no one where I live that is across these issues and able to test blood, urine etc. so at this stage it's like firing in the dark. I go to the mainland for IV EDTA about every 6 weeks to two months and then take 200 - 400mg of Dr Ed Groups EDTA orally most but not all evenings. I also take a teaspoon of sodium citrate each morning and then things like fulvic acid, mallic acid. We RO filter our drinking (rain) water for whatever that is worth, eat as clean as possible. live rurally and I am not in contact with a lot of people - but the skies are sprayed daily. Anyway, sorry to be blurting out my story! All insights and info shared are much appreciated. Other than that I guess I'll have to leave it to higher powers!

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Phillipa~ besides Live Blood Analysis, you Can, of course do home kits to send in your urine to a lab. And if you can find a phlebotamist, you can also send in your blood at least to test for Heavy Metals. Your protocol looks good to me. We just have to know that we are taking in more Nanos all the time though just about everything, so it is an upstream battle. If you didn’t see my other posts on water: I recommend taking off the Re-mineralization component of any R/O system, as I think that is where Nano gets unknowingly re-added. Best Wishes!

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Thank you, no I hadn't seen that post. Forgot to mention that I wear grounding shoes and have just bought a grounding bed sheet! Uphill battle yes, but onwards we go!!

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I've had excellent result with EDTA suppositories, and I think they work just as well as IVs. I use Detoxamin brand, and you can get 30% off with the discount code "Healing" (without the quotes). If you email them, they'll send you the research showing its effectiveness compared to IVs. At this point, I'm not getting any more IVs unless my life depends on it.

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No more IV's because the saline is contaminated or ?

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ugh. I mean, sometimes it's inevitable if you are in the hospital for an emergency. I don't know how many manufacturers there are. What we really need to find is a vibrational frequency that we can use to deactivate anything. I know some people are working on that. I don't have The answer, yet.

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I too thought EDTA was one of the most promising nanotech detox agents until I read a couple of eye-opening articles, particularly this one in which Agent131711 exposed the fact that EDTA itself Is composed of self-assembling nanoparticles and is made using carcinogenic poisons like formaldehyde, cyanide, and Ethylenediamine! EDTA POISON: The 3 Ingredients Used to Make Our Beloved Heavy Metal & Nanobot "Detox" https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/edta-poison-the-3-ingredients-used

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I Am aware of that post, yes. I do follow Agent131711. Sometimes, ya just gotta research and look for yourself.

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Well, extreme circumstances do sometimes warrant extreme measures. It could be that despite its toxicity, EDTA chelation is the lesser of two evils. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. Great that you have the ability to monitor your own bloodwork to see if it's helping, so good luck with it...

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And there is a lot of nastiness going on with people bashing other people's products. I pushed Ana M for a comment on what is being said about EDTA being toxic and she is absolutely adamant it is safe to use and is helping her clients...

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Hi Phillipa, sometimes bashing other people's toxic medical products is a good thing, especially if the "cure" is worse than the disease. For example, so-called "mRNA vaccines" are an excellent example of a product that should be bashed, along with its manufacturers who deserve far worse than to be treated with nastiness. I have tremendous respect for Dr. M and I hope her protocol does more good than harm but I do have safety concerns about EDTA (as well as Methylene Blue). I realize that it has been used for decades to chelate heavy metals and I'll take her word for it that it helps to counteract the nanotech as well, but that doesn't mean it's completely safe. Even in minute quantities, formaldehyde, ethylenediamine, and particularly cyanide are known to pose serious health risks yet she recommends taking this stuff on a monthly basis. On the other hand, heavy metals and self-assembling nanoparticles are probably even more toxic than EDTA so that definitely needs to be considered in a risk vs benefit analysis. It may indeed be easier for the body to detox from the poisons in the EDTA/Methylene Blue than to purge the metals/nanotech on its own but I'm hoping someone will find a better alternative that doesn't involve taking more poison...

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Human 2.0 in Action!

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You Really see Human 2.O when you find Artificial Red Blood Cells! (Which I thankfully have not…yet!)

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