
Still looking, Sarah! I suspect that many brands just buy it bulk from whoever manufactures it and then puts their own label on it or contracts for a 'private label'. There are so many brands! I'm searching for some uncontaminated myself, so I will certainly let everyone know when I find one! Thanks!

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Hi 👋 FreedomWarriorWoman!

Just subscribed to your account & plan on reading some of your other articles. Great microscopy! I’m considering asking someone to buy a dark field microscope as I cannot afford one but at least I can do the research. Can you please tell me what kind of microscope you have and what is the general cost?

Secondly, Dr. Bryan Ardis & the rest of the A.G.E.S. Group have developed some tinctures. They say they have tested them for nanotechnology & they are supposedly clean. It would be great to get an outsider like yourself to verify their claims. Of particular importance is their Foreign Protein Cleanse & their EDTA tinctures which are leading to astounding results so they say.

Here’s a great interview with Dr. Ardis (one of his best — he’s always so well researched & shows his “receipts” — from Man in America. Perhaps the nano technology that’s seen is tied with the venom proteins that have been synthetically reproduced and then profusely added to many pharmaceuticals/medications. Just a thought. What do you think?


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I just found the comment you made on one of your other articles about the type of microscope you use, which I think is an Olympus with a dark field attachment. If you’re still using the same equipment, let me know.

Also, I looked for dark field attachments and couldn’t find one. So if you could give me a link to the company that sells these that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much! 🙏

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May 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Respectfully, that blue fiber you see in Health Ranger's Iodine isn't a nanowire. It's a polymer fiber strand. Two doctors have already said (Dr. Love and Dr. Young) that Quantum dots cannot be seen with a dark field scope. Those other structured crystals are likely to be self-assembling biosensors. thanks

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Thanks. Yes, I use the term Nanofiber or Nanofilament to describe a polymer fiber. Some people call them graphene fibers, but I do think they are polymers. I believe microscopists have determined that Q-dots appear larger than they actually are under Dark Field, and especially certain colors. I believe they coalesce together and that is why you can see them. I am not totally in alignment with what Dr. Love and Dr. Young say about many things. Biosensors, yes. I think Many structures are indeed biosensors.

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Every family needs a darkfield.

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Dental injections: Carbocaine, Septocaine,


Not good! Dentists are clueless, that is 99.99 percent. When questioned I’m the crazy. They stand on their credentials as a deflection. Hopelessness sets in like a fog whilst at sea…

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True, Charlie! People don't want to believe in what they cannot see with their own eyes (without a microscope), yet they are willing to believe in an invisible deadly pathogen because the TV told them so. Dentists need to get their own microscopes and see for themselves!

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Very sad state of affairs. So even under their own oath, to do no harm, they will not place patient safety first and investigate even one vial sample under the microscope?

This should ring VERY big alarm bells that the very state of mind of these people is controlled. Personally I always remain at least two arms length from any suspected source. This requires next level clarity and observational thinking.

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You can use a force field that builds upon new-physics (near-field) to repel the synthetic biology, like literally clear it out and away from any item.

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Not to discount your finding but it is possible that the nano is not intentional in the formulation or compounding process but from normal precipitation from Chem -trail aerosols present everywhere in the environment which is nye on impossible to filter or expunge from any supplement or food stuff including water for that matter Note: Chem-trail "rGO"particulate per Carnacom / Widdington could be as much as 20,000 Ppmg per m3 depending on location and relative altitude Just a thought

Note that the "rGO" nmP in covid is identical to that in chem-trails 0.001 micrometer (1 nanometer) .. Yes Horrifying but WTP will Collectively over come this scourge Thanks Much Appreciated.

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Thanks for your comment and info, Tim. Yes, we are aware that there is tons of Nano in the chem-trail geoengineering plan, first discovered by Carnicom. (fyi- Dane Wiggington is ex-CIA/Limited Hangout/Controlled Op, so he's not disclosing all the info). So yes, to a degree, the Nano, including Smart Dust, has 'gone rogue', intentionally or unintentionally, in the environment, including contaminating water supplies that companies use to make their products. But since we know that since Big Pharma and the transhumanists have intentionally added Nano to their products, its fair to suspect that corporation conglomerates who are buying up smaller companies and the supply chain as part of the WEF transhumanism and depop agenda are complicit. I can't imagine that small companies and ethical companies have looked at their products under the microscope. More investigation needs to be done for sure! Thank you

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Re Widdington : Not surprising as his lack luster campaign has never gotten any real traction and who are his funding sources anyway; which was always puzzling to me... and further I had noted that his geoengineering seminars were woefully lacking other real hard data on related matters that he simply wont address or connect any dots; which combined could have been taken to a higher level of disclosure discourse & investigation. So thanks for that confirmation and your timely reply. My take this whole Covid Chem-trail , Trans : This and That / surveillance state profiling agenda is a non human endeavor with the deep state Edomite scourges playing the funding policy ma fronkingt men I say this as human beings are incapable of this level of horrific behavior on a global scale. I defer to David Icke's position on the Globalist Agenda

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Wiggington is CIA and Limited Hangout. Elana Freeland has all the information on geoengineering and transhumanism that you need in her books.

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Thanks so much for having this available to us who care to look ! Have you found anything pure i.e., no 'contaminants'?

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I was using the antinano bucket a d one of those Chios came out of me with a chunk missing. If u want it to do research or or any if the other pioneers on here let me know.

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HI Georgia – Wow. I am glad that came out! Are you saying that you are saving these objects (as proof of being targeted)? Yes, I am familiar with the anti-nano bucket and triangle but am not sure if even that electrical frequency will cause the nanos to grow Before they get expelled. How big was the Chip? Because it obviously is microscopic when we find them. Did it look like the chunk missing was a cleanly cut corner? Because that is a common shape, but we don't know why. You can email me at freedomwarriorwoman@protonmail.com. Thanks!

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Great work!

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I thought that not ALL manufacturers know this crap is in their ingredients.

Thank you.

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Yes, That is what I meant.

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Got it. Thanks👍🏻

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