May 17Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Thank you for this awesome work. I love your playful attitude around this mess!!!

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May 17Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I would like to recommend testing LugoTabs from Hakala Labs. I know they actually contain both forms of iodine, which is questionable in other tablet forms, so they are a good form of Lugol's iodine that aren't liquid, which is more convenient and cost effective for higher dosing.

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Jun 24Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Wanted to be sure to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU. For This IMPORTANT WORK....

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Jun 9Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I recognize you already have several iodine products waiting to be tested. However, I'd like to suggest that you test Activation Products Perfect Iodine (https://shop.activationproducts.com/products/perfect-iodine-500ml-kit.) Activation is a small company headquartered in Canada. The link I've provided is to their US site. Their product combines iodine molecules with distilled water which they say "makes the solution uniquely bioavailable for your body." I've been using it for several years, along with some of their other products. I'm sure if you contact the founder, Ian Clark, he would be happy to provide you with a bottle at no cost to test. He's passionate about his products and would want to know if there was anything in the iodine that shouldn't be there. I'm hoping that it will test clean. Thank you!

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Hi Lorraine~ I've been meaning to tell you that I did email the company in the US after your suggestion to offer to look at their product if they would send me a sample, and I have not heard back from them. : ( - Unfortunately, I cannot afford to buy every brand of Iodine that people suggest, and many others that I see are available online. If you can get a sample for me, please DM me and I will tell you where to send it. Thank you!

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And what relationship do these images have with covid vaccines?

By the way, the images you present are identical to the images presented by Dr. Campra and a dozen other doctors around the world. What you see are graphene oxide ribbons, graphene oxide microsheets, and graphene oxide fibers.

I say this, in case you don't know what those structures are.

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You have an idea what to doe when graphene hydrogel is in the body?I have a big problem and surching for solution they are working.It seems like you know much about the technology.If I am right I will be happy if you contact me,also as pm. diouf.aminata2021@outlook.de.

Greetings Aminata

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Graphene hydrogel does not exist in science, hydrogel has nothing to do with graphene. You're confused.

PEG hydrogel is eliminated from the body in 48 hours, graphene is not. Graphene lasts for years. What they have done is put graphene in hydrogel to camouflage it and make it harder for the immune system to respond.

You can see my substack with all the information and tips to alleviate the damage of graphene.

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Hi I surch everywhere in your substack where are the tipps to alleviate the damage of graphene how you write but I didnt find anything.You could give me a Tipp where I can find it?Thanks

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Sorry but I am not confused.The information from graphene/hydrogel i have it from the substack from Dr Ana Mihalcea.I dont think that her science are wrong.

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In reality, this doctor is not wrong, she is conscientiously wrong. I explain. She already interviewed one of the latest scientists who also demonstrated that there is nothing biological in vaccines, but she continues to insist that there is, what would you call this behavior? It has been proven that there is no mRNA or spike, nor any biological material in vaccines and that person keeps talking about spider webs in vaccines with spike proteins. It's the most absurd thing we've ever heard. What would you call this behavior? Wake up!!

In my country we were able to clearly see people of this type, and we call them False Dissidence, they were hired to lie and confuse so that the truth about graphene is never known. This doctor hasn't been clear from the beginning and that means something. Tell me when has this doctor disclosed the work of Dr. Campra and his discovery of graphene?

Also reason this, why does she show images of blood tests of vaccinated people from more than a year ago saying that they are PEG hydrogel when the hydrogel lasts about 48 hours in the body? We know that graphene is not biodegradable and we have seen the same structures in people's blood. We wrote an article about this looking at the differences between hydrogel and graphene. Science is only one, but if it is kidnapped it will never see the truth.

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Everyone thinks they are one hundred per cent right.I cannot and will not judge that,I am not a doctor and not a scientist.I only know that more and more is coming to light and we may not yet know the whole truth of the contents of these substances.I know that Dr Campra spoke of graphene quite at the beginning.I am looking for solutions because I have been poisoned and am trying to get healthy and protect myself from future attacks as it is now called attack on the microbiome.How are people in Spain actually being treated after the C injections and the contaminated PCR tests would interest me very much?

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You will agree with me that in order to treat something we must know the material that causes that something.

As I mentioned before, there is a chapter in my substack dedicated to tips to alleviate the damage caused by graphene.

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deletedMay 24·edited May 24
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I was not confusing hydrogel with graphene!!!I ask if you have an idea what to doe when graphene and hydrogel is in the body.Second I never mentioned anything else that I think Dr Anas resarch are right, and she is a woman,I think you were a little confused when you write'he'!!!With no one word I comment Dr Campras science are wrong not even his name is in my answer before.You are the one who claimed such things and mentioned his name.And your comments " please let the meteorite come now are very arrogant.By the way you just copy things from others and cover it up with your words.There is nothing found out by yourselef.Nothing!!!.Really nothing Cov Project how you call yourself..Just evry time this and this person said this....reapet...they said this and this...reapet,no own meaning!!!

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I confused him with someone else, hence my tense response. I have been arguing for a few days about the same issue of hydrogel with this annoying person. I should have read more carefully. My apologies

The recommendations are in chapter 24.

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To be fair, from what I understand the nano-tech is in basically everything. The primary way they have managed to saturate the earth with it is through chem trailing and they've been doing that for many decades.

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Chemtrailing, yes. It may be the unfortunate reality that "basically everything" is contaminated. But there is still a window in the word "Basically." As long as I am alive and have a microscope, I will keep searching for myself and the world to find clean products and sources of food and water. I hope that my photography will help bring awareness and help people make informed choices of what to willingly ingest when there is a choice.

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You are a really FreedomWarrior Woman!!!Thanks for your work and your sensibility.You give hope and thats it what we need.

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Keep fighting the good fight!

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What I struggle to understand is how lab workers all over the world (in hospitals, clinics, high school biology classes) aren't also seeing this stuff. Or if they ARE seeing it, they're not saying anything. Which is odd, since most scientists want to take credit and be in the spotlight for discovering new phenomena. I go on reddit where lab workers and microscopy hobbyists post all the time anonymously, under pseudonyms. Surely that's a safe place for people to ask around about this stuff. And yet I never see mention of it anywhere. I guess later I will go onto the reddit boards and just post my own microscopy images of ribbons and such and ask them what they think it is.

Edit: I just went and posted the photos to reddit. No mention of nanotech or anything remotely conspiratorial. Just showing the images and asking what they are. I'm going to see if the post gets banned.

Edit: they are banning any human microscopy samples into the NSFW category (not safe for work)

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My understanding from other microscopists in David Nixon's group is that Live Blood Analysists, Doctors, and Microscopist trainers at some point were basically Lied to about the synthetic biology being "artifacts" or possibly 'protoplasts' (not that the latter doesn't exist). The Especially Don't want people using Dark Field, because the Nanobots and Quantum dots show up easier. And those look like bacteria under Light Field. Well, we know that the first discoverer of Graphene in the shots got murdered, and I know a Live Blood Analysist who had the FBI confiscate her equipment and shut her down, so.....

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Oh there seeing it but not telling you what it really is. RR

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Dr Lee Merritt MEDICAL REBEL said as the years went by they started getting rid of the more powerful microscopes in dr's offices.

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Beautiful and artistic images. What make/model microscope are you using?

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Thank you. I use an old hand-me-down Olympus CX41. It was not made to have a Dark Field Objective, so I had to buy a used one and make it work. I still have trouble switching out the Dark Field and The Lightfield/Phase Contrast Objective. In the future, I would like one that just rotates them easily. Since I am a professional photographer (of nature) use a Canon 5D Mark III DSLR attached to the eyepiece, and edit them on Photoshop to improve contrast and reduce noise. It's quite fun, as well as time consuming, that way!

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Wow, that's amazing. It's such a great picture!

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Be good to see INFOWARS iodine

Under the scope ,

It may be made by Mike Addams , hopefully be clean ????

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I should look at INFOWARS Shop Iodine, yes. Mike's wasn't totally clean, but it wasn't bad.

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Hi FreedomWarrierWomen, Have you tested Lugols Iodine? The brand is Anchient Purity and its Bio Food Suplement. Cheers RR

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May 24Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I am testing Lugols Iodine now and will put up some pics this weekend on my substack. First views its not good news. Everything is infected with NT... RR

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Not yet, Richard. I have a big pile of bottles to test! Thanks!

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Have you looked at Methylene Blue or did i miss that somewhere,?

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Health Ranger too! Is that from Mike Adams?

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Yes. I'm sure he doesn't know. I need to contact him. I am not saying that All of his products, or All any other company's have Nano. I did not see anything Moving in his Iodine, to be clear.

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So from what i have read, these companies dont always know its in their products. It could be in the liquid its mixed with, etc. This garbage really is in everything.

I was using brand J.CROWS and didnt feel well after using it for about 7-14 days so i stopped.

Wonder if this garbage is in vodka as i make my tinctures w it?

Crazy, heartbreaking, and fast times we are living in.


Thank you for all your work🌹

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God forbid, one of the photos is smiling at us!!

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Just a thought, is everything contaminated? Do we find any clean samples? Is anything inert?

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I would say that Almost Everything is contaminated....it is hard when you only test a couple drops of something, but amazing that up to zillions of Nanos can be in just one drop (or crushed up sprinkle) of something! My hope is in deep Spring Water. So far, Health Ranger's Groovy Bee Vitamin C seemed clean, but I want to recheck it.

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I also heard reverse osmosis is clean IF you change the drinking water filter every two months.

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I do not have my own R/O, but I have purchased R/O water and guess what?? It was teaming with moving Nanos!

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Oh, that's insane! Son of a gun!

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Thanks for your work that I have only just come across. Wondering if you have found a clean or relatively clean dental anesthetic yet?

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Not yet! I am going to test Orabloc within the week and will post the results. If I, or anyone else, finds anything clean, I will certainly post. I'm not very hopeful, but perhaps there is a small lab that can make it from scratch.

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watch Laquintacolumna international on telegram they did a lot of work to find clean anesthetic

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watch laquintacolumna.net or on telegram they did a lot of work to find clean anesthetic

laquintacolumna international on telegram

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Thank you

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Nice work. The contamination is so prolific throughout products.

When I examine products some fibers appear to simply drop onto the slide from the atmosphere. When you let the samples sit for a period of time, are they in sealed containers to rule out outside contamination?

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I always use a cover slip. There is a chance that something might fall On Top of the coverslip. I didn't keep the slide tray covered at first, but now I do. Of course, what are we going to do to eliminate things in the air if we are not in an airtight laboratory with industrial HEPA filters? (I need to look at my HEPA filter, btw!)

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May 17Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Thanks for the reply. A process of elimination.

I realize it is quite difficult, it is just the way I investigate these things as there appears to be multiple steps, to achieve a final desired outcome. For me, if any step (or intrusion) can be deciphered and obstructed, it adds to the count of possibilities of finding solutions.

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Thanks for the reply.

I guess when I view these things I attempt to look for vulnerabilities in each step or outside intrusion. The more steps required to achieve a desired outcome, the higher the potential for an achilles' heal.

Much like the fibers I am catching from the surrounding air, they appear different in appearance to what falls on my slide. These have an appearance of the what Laquinta Columna is calling Graphene Ribbons.

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Nanoribbons do seem slightly different than Nanofibers or Nanofilaments. Whether they are actually made of Graphene is a question, however, since Carnicom discovered these similar fibers (and morgellons), especially the colored ones. in the air, land, water, etc. and determined that they were synthetic biology/cross-domain bacteria. Worth delving into his work on that.

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May 19·edited May 19

Will do.

He (the institute) was on it so many years back, I need to spend a bit more time over there, thanks for the reminder.

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