What beautiful pictures again! I love your testings, I'm an addict to your posts!

In the 3.Multi-Enzyme photos we can see mesh again, hey! (I'm a mesh hunter:)) I assume from my own LBA studies that they are based on hydrogel channels. For me it is a fascinating question what conditions are needed for it to spread in mesh form.

I think the "blinking" nano particle means that there can be some that are not spherical, but flatter, for example, so that the light is reflected differently during their random movement and rotation. I saw a video where you could get a closer look at such a "flatter" particle that looks like a blinker.

Thanks for your job!

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Yes, I meant to tag you in the meshes/crackling I found! It was also found in another microscopist’s blood sample of her cow in New Zealand, I think. I think I saw it somewhere else as well, it might be a kind of protein breakdown….I am asking Dr. Nixon, because we talked about it yesterday in a meeting, and I shared your post.

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Thanks a lot for your help! I appreciate it!

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Thank you for all of the time consuming work you are doing for all of us FWW. I can tell you I am working hard to let people know of you. We need to get this information out people. I was sent here by someone and glad I came. Lets get to work everybody!

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This is really important work. Thank you for doing it. We are all indebted to you. At this point, it appears we must assume everything is tainted intentionally (full of nanotechnology) until proven otherwise. Nevertheless, as many substances as possible should be subjected to testing, if for no other reason, to document the hideous and all-encompassing nature of the attack that is being directed against every living thing on earth. It appears all plants and animals are affected (ocean fish and crustaceans should be sampled for completeness's sake. I haven't seen much reported from those sources so far). If you know of anyone who has, please advise.

I have a question which I hope you don't think is idiotic. It stems from my being unable to convince myself that any water is free of nanotechnology. I say that because it seems that Berkey filtered, reverse osmosis and distillation generated water all have been reported to contain nanotechnology. My understanding has been that Berkey filtered water is the most contaminated of the three but unfortunately, even water from reverse osmosis and distilled water systems can contain it. I presume that is because some of the particles are extremely small (<50nm) and in the case of distillation, may become airborne as the water is converted from liquid into a gaseous state only to be carried along as the H2O is reconstituted into liquid again when reaching the collection chamber. (This hypothesis should be tested). The point I am making is this: Is it possible that some of what you are finding is actually due to nanoparticulates being present in the water you are using? Have you been able to prove that the water you're using as a diluent is completely free of nanotechnology prior to adding samples to it? I think it is important to consider the question of whether it is possible to obtain water that is not contaminated. Any thoughts, reactions, comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi J– Not a bad question at all! It is true that my Berkey is not 100% Nano-proof, and neither is the Mountain Valley Spring or Castlerock Spring bottled water that I use for my samples. However, there is a big difference between finding a random moving nanoparticle and/or a random fiber or polymer nanocrystal ‘chunk’ in any of those waters and then adding it to a sample of a dry supplement, and then find under the scope that the mixture is teaming with moving particles. It is safe to say that some of the bots came from the powder and get activated/hydrated when water is added. So that is how I judge it. There are other factors that determine Nano activity, including EMF frequency, heat from the microscope light and humidity. My ‘lab’ is not a controlled environment. There is also a possibility that random Nanos floating around in the air can land on the slide or in an open bottle, within a few seconds. Yes, more observation needs to be done. Hope that helps!

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hi J - I'm just a rando, but I wanted to note that I thought your comment/questions are well thought out and interesting.

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FM8 channel has a video of fibers down inside the bone marrow of a rotisserie chicken 🍗 drumstick hacksawed in half under the scope. It's everywhere.

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I had a thought last night what if you added a certain amount of sodium citrate to the distiller before running it. I wonder if it would change the water at all. Or maybe it's too harsh for the machine. Either way I threw in a teaspoon last night and definitely had more minerals sludged at the bottom.

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It is an idea. Though the SC will only disable certain components of the Nano. I will put it on my List, Thanks!

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Have you ever tested Muro 128 eye drops? Apparently, it is a hypertonic saline solution for people who have edema of the cornea. I believe it comes in a 2% and a 5% concentration.

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This was the one I was referring to. Different Ingredients tho. Makes you Wonder about all those “Floaters” that we’ve all had for decades ! - https://micronaut.substack.com/p/strange-movement-in-eye-drops?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=200xu1&triedRedirect=true

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Hi J - I have not yet looked at any Eye Drops, but I know Dr. Nixon has looked at a brand in Australia, and another microscopist looked at an “Eye Moisturizer” and both found Nanos. It would be a great way to get some nasty tracking devices in one’s body wouldn’t it? It would be interesting to look at all sorts of Eye Medications. If you are really curious and want to send me a bottle, please become a Yearly Paid Subscriber for $60, and I will look at that Bottle, and up to 2 other brands if you get your hands on them and report back! DM me and I will send you an Address to send them to. Check out the Ingredients of the Muro 128 Eyedrops: Active Ingredients: Sodium Chloride (2%); Inactive Ingredients: Boric Acid, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (2910), Propylene Glycol, Sodium Borate, Water (Purified), Sodium Hydroxide, Hydrochloric Acid, Preservatives Added: Methylparaben (0.028%), Propylparaben (0.012%)- even without Nanos, I wouldn’t want to put those on my eyeballs.

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Great work oh my , here is my reply to you and Melinda's reply

IT WOULD APPEAR to be so  , so we must try to avoid if possible  by using directly from nature  and what we grow and make , USE what we find mitigates and or removes  it , PROTECT OR ELIMINATE  the emf  and any other energy forms that feed it  or energize it ,  help our bodies to naturally eliminate whatever they can , RAISE our frequency to overcome it all if possible ,  USE SONIC frequencies that seem to help  , FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING WITH [Nano Quantum Void’]  this aspect. Find the way to stop continued PRODUCTION OF THIS STUFF , and maybe even move to a timeline reality where that is not happening , this is not as far fetched a possibility as many think. SK

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As I take a considerable amount of vitamins/supplements, I am concerned about possible nano contamination. It is known that because many of the components, ingredients, of these products originate in China (or India), there exists a high probability that they are not pure. We are told that due to geo-engineering and farming methods much of our food is deficient in nutrients; therefore, if you believe in the validity of vitamins/supplements, you need to consume them. Some people say that the chemically products vitamins are of little to no value, and may even be harmful. What is a person to do who cares about their health? It seems we are fighting a losing battle. (I use mostly Piping Rock and Swanson vitamins/supplements.)

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Instead of using (contaminated) convenient supplements, you can just use the raw plants and seeds that these supplements are made from. A good example is Milk Thistle, which is excellent to protect the liver. You can buy big bags of milk thistle seeds for cheap, crush the seeds into a fine powder, and make tea with it or sprinkle it on food. Easy to grow too.

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True, True!

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Great pictures!

If I was going to sneak these particles into as many things as possible, I would put it in the ubiquitous magnesium stearate or the capsule.

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Ah, yes. Those capsules themselves need to be tested! Remember the video early on in the Plandemic of someone dissolving a capsule from a medication and finding graphene IN the printing On the capsule??

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