Jun 25Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

As much as I’d love a really nice microscope to be able to investigate all manner of things at the cellular level, may I just say this;

Isn’t it thoroughly appalling that we have reached a stage where purchasing a high end microscope has become a desirable thing for an average Joe just wanting not o be poisoned or transitioned into a cyborg, or whatever?

People having to spend a fortune on microscopes, water filters, EMF blobkimg materials etc. it’s utterly disgusting.

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I agree...

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On the topic of expensive microscopes what does one need to purchase to be looking at this stuff competently? To get the desired results. Thanks🙏sorry I see you've answered others on this topic below. Thanks

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Yeah we are normalizing needing to own an expensive microscope and spending hours per month to try and live a “normal” life! Sad really

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The truth is: we’ve been lied to about everything our entire lives for generations and even thousands of years. We’ve never had a “Normal Life”. They’ve put us in a terrarium like The Truman Show and have been experimenting on everyone and everything without our consent our knowledge. If we knew, we would have lived our lives differently, with hyper-vigilance, protecting ourselves and not letting the psychopaths decide our fate. We would have not pursued the Consumer Programming of The “Normal Life of striving for The American Dream (wherever we live in the world). We would have not let the mega corporations and wealthy elite and ruling parasite class dictate “Science" and use our Universities as laboratories for bioweapons while the majority of students get trained to be obedient, clueless, unskilled slaves in The Matrix. In other words: we would have bought Microscopes instead knowing to keet an eye on the DARPA and other psychopaths. There is no Normal; we live in the Sci-Fi and Post-Apocalyptic Films they produced to pre-program us. We have to be the Heros and Heroines in those films and blow up the Death Star.

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Jun 25Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Same with EMF meters, I like a loon own I think four. Did they cost me a fortune? Yes.

Have they helped me find safer places to occupy and test shielding? Yes!

But should I have to waste my money on all this technology just to remain ‘safer’? NO!

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Safe and sound 2 or 3 are good meters.

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Jun 25Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Natural Factors makes Whole Earth and Sea Pure Food multivitamins.

Organic and lab tested.

They are the cleanest smelling vitamins I've ever had.

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I will check out more of their products and report back.

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What microscope do you recommend ? Want a good one but don’t know where to start in selecting one and the attachments.

Thanks !

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Hi Joe~ Thanks for the Question. I don't recommend the Scope I use, which is an old, retired Olympus CX41. The Olympus CX43 is better, and includes the Darkfield Condenser, which you want. I have more details here in this Note. Hope this Helps! -


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Does David offer microscope classes often or was it a one on one tutorial you had with him ?

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If you become a paid monthly Subscriber to Nixonlab on Substack, you can attend his Saturday Zoom’s with other subscribers and some of us microscopists. He and some of us show our latest images and videos and anyone can ask questions.

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I have been attending every week, along with another group with him on Wednesdays for a year now, and so I have learned a lot, and have gotten feedback on my images.It is not a formal class, nor a one-on-on; just accumulatation of discussions.

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Thanks ! This is great. 8k for the rolls Royce micro 😀. The x43 looks high end.

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who needs a car when you can have a microscope instead? we will all be prisoners in our homes soon enough when they outlaw gas vehicles by 2030 and be forced to travel via driverless Uber cars!

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I know, I know...most good ones are 6K. Check EBAY!

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Thanks again !

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Thank you!

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Thanks for this microscope info, I’ve been interested for a while but didn’t know where to start! Also…have you checked Lugol’s Iodone yet?? I just bought some and it’s still in the window to return it, lol :/

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Would love if you could check out Perfect Iodine from Activation Products. https://shop.activationproducts.com/products/perfect-iodine-500ml-kit

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Hi FWW, Do you have a telegram channel? If so send to me private message. RR

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Long ago, people began to accept being called animals....

As all-fathers godson fearfully & wonderfully made sovereign witness of his good people of united America for these united states of America......., please cease and desist in restitution of all things honor for honor, that Man after Man's own kind and younglings are raised in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.

You are not animals. You are eternal Beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you allow your younglings to be socially engineered to think of themselves as animals, then animals will rule your world!!!

If any actually read our comments....lol, please take note, that such usage in law or elsewise, is a violation of your unalienable Rights and fundamental blessings that are secured, only, to MAN. NOT ANIMALS!!!

The 1st time I came across governmental legislation written in such a way as to put Man in the same class of subject legislation was the "Food and Drug Act of 1906." (June 30, 1906). Therein, such legislation puts Man in the same class as animal. This is tantamount to a bold face act of treason by public trustees sworn to serve, protect and defend both the posterity, states and constitution.

But this is what happens when you sign away such Rights & blessings via general power of attorney to others free to do as they wish or having any legal obligation, since all oaths afterward, are frivolous formalities to deceive you into thinking you matter anymore....lol

By volunteering to execute such general power of attorney i. e., Voter Registration Card/Application, once negotiated via voting, you no longer have any such Rights or blessings subject to your Rights & blessings but now, subject to anyone or AI occupying whatever office nominally speaking...lol.

But...., for those who do read, one must study the importance of "status" if One is to be truly free.

Begin with: "Laws of Bondage and Freedom in the United States" - 1862 (2 Vol set).

Then, study how "status" was the primary reason from beginning to present, for all Hague Conventions and elsewise, throughout every facet of society, globally.

So, if a problem arises in your life, check your "status" against "standing" by anyone to state a claim.

Then, quickly agree (arbitration - see Title 9 U.S.C./Federal Arbitration Act of 1925 or 1947 as amended) lest ye be handed over to jailer for every farthing accountable.

Lastly, for all the calamity afoot remember our political, spiritual and binding force by which we seek in good will to serve all walks of life seeking unanimity similarly situated thereby:

"In essentials, unanimity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, honor."

Be wise, safe & blessed,


Notice: U.P.C. applicable

Tel: 1-509-862-3119 (text first before call)

Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors..

P. S.: Please, most graciously grant whatever courtesy for any incorrect scripture, syntax or grammatical errors wherever found throughout our life as unintended clerical errors that all are free to adjust and correct to account properly for remedial recourse our humble efforts intend.

But if grace fails our feeble entreaties, then as Don Corleone says ("Oil the gun.. eat the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")


“We are increasingly governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” < Robert Bork.

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Thank you!!!

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What about SSKI? super saturated potassium iodine from Morgellons Direct?

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Hi Amy ~ I’m not sure what you mean. I have not looked at potassium iodine in pill form, the kind you use to prevent radioactivity, is that what you mean?

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No, it comes in powder form to make it fully saturated or diluted. Old school remedy for respitory & such. Old Dr's would have you take it till ya got a metallic taste in mouth. Then discontinue use. Got rid of the cough for sure.

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Thank you! Have you tested Lugol's?

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see my reply just above!

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