Jun 24Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Wanted to be sure to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU. For This IMPORTANT WORK....

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My 9 year old daughter is getting dental work done at our children's hospital this Monday. The are giving her a mild sedationwith versed because she doesn't do well. At the last appointment I told the doctor she was allergic to local anesthetic. She asked which one? I told her I'd let her know. They're probably still going to give her a local ( they won't let parents back there) . Which anesthetic is the worst that you have seen and which would u recommend that you've seen as having the least amount of nano. Please please list them to the best of your ability. Any info is greatly appreciated!

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Great write up! I was wondering if anyone has heard anything regarding the effects of EMP on nano tech? If it contains some form of metal circuitry wouldn't it be susceptible to this?

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Do you mean, literally a big EMP? Or like what nano-expert Tony Pantalleresco (and FM8 and others) does with mini-EMP devices with his Nano Triangle and Nano Bucket? Many people have had great results expelling Nanofibers/filaments from their bodies using these homemade magnet mini ‘EMP’ devices. However, Karl C (Man Against the Microbes) and Dr. David Nixon here on Substack did several experiments with various electric frequencies (including Rife) and saw things like Nanochips feed off of EMF and other frequencies, and thus Grow bigger and faster. So they suspect that while the Nano filament/fibers emerge from the body (like Morgellons) with these electronic EMP tools, they may indeed Grow inside the body first before being expelled, so Karl C and Dr. Nixon do not recommend these devices. I think that Sabrina Wallace (https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f)- who I believe is THE EXPERT on Nanotechnology in the body, does not recommend Tony’s devices; she focuses exclusively on strengthening our innate Biofield energy instead. That being said, this Tech is energetic and even Quantum, so some sort of energetic disruption has to be the ultimate answer.

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For the sick transhumanists, what's better than a dental anesthetic to modify humans ? (oh wait, maybe those covid nasal swabs that contained hydrogels and lithium ?) Injected close to the brain, reduces the pain, and voila you're a cyborg ..

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Apr 23Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

You may be able to identify more structures with this Ted Talk from 2013. It goes into how they came up with how the nanobots could communicate with each other (like swarms) and bots that control other bots. It was put up yesterday- hopefully still there

Robotic Nanotech to heal the body.


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Thanks Paulie~ I am familiar with this post, via Maria Zeee and other on Substack. That guyis is a psychopathic for sure. I couldn't recognize specific nanobots from this video, but it is definitely part of the technology. I am on a team who is looking at hundreds of Nano industry papers and videos, and there is So much that has been happening for years that most people haven't been aware of. Hopefully we can catch up and be informed. Hope my research helps! Thanks so much!

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Apr 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

A superb article with excellent detailing and wonderful humour. Oodles of information and extremely thought-provoking. I love the poetic naming of photos, too. I'm going to have to return to re-read it again to do it full justice!

The horrors and implications of all this are over-whelming - if only people knew what's being going on. The scale of the LIES and BETRAYAL by the medical-pharmaceutical industry is unspeakable. Makes my blood boil again and again.

The many variations in the hydrogels is fascinating (and horrifying). It's a stealth world all of its own - but we now see them! The cat's out of the bag.

To think they've got Chitosan in many of them is another whole area of enragement to me. We're eating ze bugs left right and centre, whether we like it or not. "They" have polluted everything.

It spells the death of dentistry and conventional medicine to many of us. No Trust Left. None. (As if the entire medical complex hasn't already died 'from Convid' or 'with Convid').

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Apr 22·edited Apr 24Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Excellent article and awesome images! Thank you.

I am going to spends hours working through this.

Good lord there are some nuggets here, piecing more and more together after four years and mountains of information. And I thought I was on it before cov.

Xochi's substack also on chitins, wow!

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