What are you people doing against that poison stuff,to get it out of the body.Someone with a idea.Yesterday Cornicom institue/Karl C wrote:Nicotine-patches is not working and the green cold lase 532 nm is also not working.That makes me sad because I am struggeling to find a solution for my blooth,full with nanotechnology.Any idea?Thanks

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They (Dentists) don't care and don't want to know! (The 3 I've spoken with)

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They (Dentists) don't care and don't want to know! (The 3 I've spoken with)

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Wanted to be sure to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU. For This IMPORTANT WORK....

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My dentist killed me !!!

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Then why are you still here 😆

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He/she didn't know!! : (

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You might appreciate this podcast on the dental deception: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/wOAkYioZxJb

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We have been observing all of this since 2021, it is demonstrated by analysis that we did that they are graphene oxide ribbons, graphene oxide fibers and graphene oxide sheets.

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Many of the microscopists in Dr. Nixon's group, which I am in, believe that what was thought to be graphene is actually Hydrogel/Polymer-based, like Dr. Ana suggests. And that graphene is only a part of some of the Nano, like Q-dots and Carbon Nanotubes. I will go through all of your Substacks, thank you.

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Of course, those criminals are there to hide the truth about graphene. Don't you realize?

Read the latest article in my substack and you will see that the PEG hydrogel, the one in vaccines, does not do what these pseudoscientists say. They try to deceive a few by saying that those graphene fibers from people vaccinated 1 or 2 years ago are hydrogel, when everyone knows that PEG hydrogel disappears from the body about 48 hours after its administration.

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Have you read Dr.Campra's report (2021)? Do you know how many other doctors in the world have corroborated what Dr. Campra demonstrated in 2021?

All of them demonstrated the presence of reduced graphene oxide, none of them talk about hydrogels.

The alleged Dr. Nixon, in recent statements, said in response to another person that he was not aware of the presence of graphene in vaccines. After 4 years!!! Without a doubt, he is not a real doctor, he has nothing to do with science because he does not put into practice what science says. He is not interested in knowing, he is interested in covering all this up. That's why he never talks about graphene, nor about Dr. Campra.

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Don't you realize that they are not governed by the principles of science? They say without proving anything. If they say that those graphene ribbons are PEG hydrogel, they should do a chemical analysis of those structures, just as Dr. Campra did, and publish their results.

But they won't do it because the scientific community would laugh at anyone who says such nonsense.

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''They say without proving anything.''

Have ''they'' proved the existence of a virus? And causation?

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Oh, now I understand....I have read your latest Substack post and see that you are not a fan of Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon. I am familiar with Dr. Campra's and La Quinta Columna's work. I must respond that you are inaccurate in some of your criticisms: Dr. Ana has published a chemical analysis of the polymers, as well as referencing Dr. Campra, and Dr. Nixon has not totally disregarded the presence of graphene. While I appreciate your writings and research, I find your name-calling, language, and discrediting of the Dr.'s in your Substack and these comments to be inaccurate and inappropriate for their paramount level of contribution. You are free disagree with anyone's findings, but I would expect a professional to show more maturity and integrity in discourse. I ask you to please not insult my colleagues, Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon–whom I hold in the highest regard–here in my Substack comments. Thank you.

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Has Dr. Ana published chemical analyzes of the PEG hydrogel or any polymer found out there? You have to specify.

In which journal is this study published so that the scientific community can review it? If so, it would be the first study in the world to demonstrate that graphene ribbons are PEG hydrogel. I insist, we are talking about the PEG hydrogel, the PEG polymer, the component of the vaccines, not any other polymer or supposed spider webs found in people's blood, making it seem like they come from vaccines.

After 4 years of research, where everyone has found graphene oxide, and no one talks about PEG hydrogel, and they continue to defend that there is biological material in vaccines like spider webs, or any other absurd thing, it means that these people are FALSE DISSENT, and therefore criminals in this war.

In my last publication the lies of these criminals whom you defend are evident.

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Ok but what do we do if we need dental work? Are there safe dental anesthetics? I can’t even imagine trying to talk to my dentist about nanobot organisms…

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Hard liquor…or just grin and bear it…sometimes you don’t feel a thing. I have never used any numbing..am allergic to most chems. Be brave, you might surprise yourself. Good luck

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I know, it is the problem at hand. We are searching for other ways to mediate the pain of dental work. At some point, all dentists are going to have to face the nanotech, just like all doctors. We have to introduce it to them.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

None are safe. We have analyzed them all. Recommendations? look my substack

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Thanks! I will!

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May 8Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Hi there fellow femme warrior, just a quick WOW for the excellent presentations I have barely even skimmed through as yet. Your imagery sharpness is quite superb. I love the way you have animated this hard core reality with a sprinkle of cutest humour - which always helps lift our spirits even momentarily as we glean the harsh part.

All very well presented making for, wanting more please! Proud of you "J", KK

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Thanks, KoppyKat!

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May 8Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

PS the connection to the seahorses is what caught my eye at first - how bizarre to find them featuring in this chaotic realm!!

Seadragons and seahorses have been a lifelong study of mine, and an obsesssion.

Am fascinated to see what unfolds with this connection. Hang on tight everyone. KK

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May 5Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f That's the channel for Sabrina Wallace, where you will find 2 years of going in depth into this humans being tracked, sensored, and transformed into cyborgs/hive mind.

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I'm all over Sabrina, Yes!.....time is the only barrier.

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May 5Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Check out Psinergy channel on Odysee.com Sabrina Wallace is teaching about/exploring the FACT that we are all being put/have been put on Wireless Body Network and we are basically on remote control, people, this is serious.

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😂 I just posted this link into a bad Google review for a dentist office and I added wild pics … sure to get their attention as it’s the only bad review they have . . . . Perhaps this is a way to make our voice heard for all of these companies participating in uninvited bodily guests ..

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Yes, we Do need to wake up Dentists, but I wouldn't suggest posting to a dentist office unless you could prove that they injected a patient of theirs and could link it to the anesthetic.

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I would rather they prove they don’t use the garbage .. they are free to post what they use in their practice and I can then modify my rating . Simple and fair .

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Hi! I just discovered your work and I really appreciate the clarity of your images.

I zoomed in on one of them after screenshotting your video and I believe I can see Michaelson or Sagnac interferometer biosensor; a “C-type fiber”(because it looks like the letter, maybe?)

The following link is from the Journal of Biophotonics. It will show you the C-type fiber / Michelson interferometer I am referring to.


I hope you don’t mind since this post is public; I’m gonna post a photo of your sample and link to your substack, and the zoomed-in image with an arrow pointing into the middle of the three circles, at the biosensor.

I have pulled a few dozen microscopic devices out of my body and blood and matched them to their patents online.

See my shocking comparisons on my stack!

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All of this has already been documented and demonstrated since 2021. There are many chemical analyzes carried out

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Thanks, Rebecca, for your resources and photos! I will check it out in depth.

Some of us call those synbio organisms on your last post "nanosquid" (unofficial term). We are not sure yet what they are. Many people have found them in abundance in air samples (chemtrails?), live blood samples and some products. Yes, you are free to post my photos as long as you link it.

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No amalgam removal for me...

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I wish that I could help some of yall that are trying to figure this all out. I'm not very good with the science, biology, or the math with this nightmare. I do believe I could be some help in the area of showing u pics & explaining how this synthetic biology is even scarier than Sue Charles- Hendy thinks it's to be. I received full dental implants. All of my teeth extracted & the implants anchored in 1 day. 8 bloody hours of surgery! With well over 20 locals injected. That was in 2016. The horrific, ungodly events that followed after the procedure to this day, 24/7, I fight these organisms. They fight back with a special kind of intelligence & nothing kills them. Not fire, not gasoline, nothing!! I will show u some of what u described as sea horses they are the 2, 1st images in the album. There are many more disturbing images that follow them. I will try to post them in a link to my photos under this reply. It may be in another reply just after that if the 1st one dosent work because Im new to all of this.

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Freedom Warrior lady I know my dentist handed me over to these santaic tech death metal cowards that think they are hiding behind bullshit music genre or whatever the fuck they call it. Everything has been taken from me. There is nothing left. I am a good person. If i did some thing wrong by offending my dentist then I should of stood in front of a judge for it. Not thrown in to solitary confinement, not to loose everyone that i use to be close to, not to be humiliated and laughed at, not to be eaten from the inside out from these synthetic maggots! I hope thet u can see the connection with at least Deformatory Myiasis they are not even hiding it, rather boasting of social justice in the blogs. If u see what i do please let them know that I didn't do anything that anyone else wouldnt have done when they have been backed into a corner.

God have mercy on my soul

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Wow. Absolutely Horrific! That is wild about the seahorse-like organisms. I'm So sorry for your Morgellons/syn bio suffering...

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Please try to see in the images that these are the santaic technical death metal criminals who boast of my 8yrs. Of unimaginable suffering. Handed over to them by my dentist whom didn't take well deserved criticism very well. Never did I put my hands on him. They were only words. Worst case scenario, if I were guilty of any wrong doing then I should have been brought before a real judge. Instead of these cowardly transhumanist gammers. I have so much to say but my time is about to expire. If u can see what I can see so clearly if, in only its where head bangers in there blogs speak of social justice. Then let them know that I did what anyone would have done when they are backed into a corner.

God have mercy on my soul.

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Where do u buy it?

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What are you asking about buying?

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What I am trying to say is that I have these things (synthetic biology) in me, in a bad special kind of way. There are so many of the people trying to figure out what these things are. This seems like the right place to be to expose what they can become. I would go anywhere one of them would have me to show them that this is much, much more than blood clots & blinking lights.

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All of this has already been documented and demonstrated since 2021. There are many chemical analyzes carried out

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Try listening to audio on this channel, especially the kill AI nanobots, https://www.youtube.com/@drvirtual7 Also, pray to Jesus, seriously. Also there's another guy Jerry Sargeant, you can look into. His books are fantastic.

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Thanks, FreedomWarrior Woman.

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Myiasis is the worst. That is my nightmare. If u look at some of the other images u can see there eyes. U can also see them all over my skin. I believe its fungus gnats. But not really sure. I have images of them grouping together to form a larger larve. Something like collective behavior with social insects.

I dont know.... I have so much info. so much to explain but I cant gain any ground no body will hear what u have to tell. I guess, one day, your living a normallife & then everything is ripped away from u. These things are aggressively attacking u and u are try to show everyone but they can't see what u r talking about. To u, its so clear. You begin to think they just dont want to see it. Or they see it, but refuse to see it, because, its not possible, it cant be. Your told by many doctors u are delusional. They laugh at u. Your family begins to side with the Medical professionals. Family & friends bow their heads & walk the other way when u see them. U think to yourself about that normal life u once had. How blessed u we're to not have this Horror show that u r living in. U will die very soon. U can feeI that, just from the stess alone, ur body is finally shutting down. I was so strong in the beginning. 8 yrs of solitary confinement everyone not understanding, thinking that u possibley may have done this to

yourself or something. Nothing has changed. U are still right were u started.

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Don’t you dare give up on yourSELF…there are many many thousands of us the world over in this same struggle…be strong, trust in yourself, trust in your personal truth, you are not crazy. Once you can reconcile its all those who shun you and turn away..they are the diseased ones because theirs is self-inflicted FEAR. The things which have been done to us unknowingly, the poisoning collectively…now that’s a battle to address - put your energy there and get as well as possible by mitigating what you can..most of all…..don’t surrender the most important battleground of the mind, and emotion..rise above it, and tell yourself I am going to save ME and then I will help YOU if you want, and even if you don’t…be good to yourself first and foremost friend, much love! KK

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Dr Nixon and Karl C. on their substack pages have found Sodium Citrate to be beneficial in removing some 'stuff' from the body. Sam has looked at laser treatment too. https://sam368.substack.com/p/different-hydrogels-different-key?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

Good luck

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I would totally bath in a solution of methalyn blue … at least try a few spots at different concentrations.. use 100% ? Whatever that means these days . for sure USA manufacturer …

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If you bathed in Methylene Blue, you would look like the girl in Willy Wonka who turned into a Blueberry. It turns your organs Smurf Blue.

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May 3Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Have you access to Bioresonance? It is a fairly new treatment which uses resonance to combat bugs, parasites, metals etc.

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No, but I will look into it, Thank you!

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Scary stuff for those who've had these procedures done. How to get them out?!!

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It is difficult to get a product like graphene that is indestructible. If we talk about graphene quantum dots, they are internalized into cells.

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May 10Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I'm going to look into this further using bioresonance.

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graphene is magnetic, vaccinated people become magnetic. investigate along that line. See my substack about all this

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Bioresonance can deal with graphene too: detect and harmonise. Aluminium oxide seens to be massive in this too.

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What do you mean by harmonizing it? If you have any information it is interesting to know. This material is not biodegradable in the body, and it takes many years to eliminate it, we do not even know if it can be eliminated completely once it is fused with tissues and organs.

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We use Rayonex bioresonance machines to work with the frequencies of materials in the body. Everything has a frequency. Therefore anything can be harmonised, if the rekevant frequency is known. Graphene and its derivatives are known frequencies. Please look up Rayonex Biomedical online.

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