May 28Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Great article again and very comprehensive cover of the dental goo. Your image of the nano arm i think is the severed terminator arm crushed in the machining factory ! Episode 1.

Side head shot…the green witch from Wizard Of Oz.

I agree it is hard to ignore the beauty and artistry we see in all these images. A favourite of mine would have to be what looks like crystal bats flying over the nano cities - exquisitely beautiful !

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May 28Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

The "Creepy Creepy Nano Claw Arm" is horrible, particularly with its five claws. I've seen these claw-like fibrous filaments in my own live blood microscopy. They have definite claw-like ends.

Also, I've seen similar rectangular shapes appear on one of my slides, many hours after a sample from a runny nose - I must post the images soon.

The many different crystalline shapes and patterns shown in your photos from these various 'medical' products could be a very useful additional reference for many of the patterns which we might see cropping up elsewhere, such as in the blood on occasion, or in other environmental samples. All patterns form fingerprints.

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Jun 4Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

FWW ...You of all people could make a picture book of Nano Technology. If I had not seen with my own eyes I would not believe it. Smart Cities. RR

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I will be working on a print publication soon, in case they cancel Substack and Social Media!

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May 29·edited May 29Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Regarding electrical interference - my inexpensive microscope does not have a earth terminal on the power lead end, the earth terminal changes EMF frequencies/interference dramatically for the better, before even adding an external grounding lead. I am not referring to 'grounding' being a solution, this is not about 'grounding' perse, but only for microscope samples being clarified more accurately, to better isolate influencing factors.

Just carrying on a little from my previous comment, we need to be able to separate samples from interference, which might be quite difficult, but should enable a degree of difference to be observed with samples under the scope. I will do my own testing running an earth lead to the display bed of the microscope.

Even while grounding the microscope bed, moisture/humidity plays a huge role in EMF interference. A dry night Vs a foggy moist night, is black Vs white in suffering for me, being EMF sensitive. This is where the (compressor) de-humidifier plays an important role.

In my opinion, a digital warriors need to have a stable LOW humidity and be well earthed to be able to view synthetic and biological samples accurately under the microscope now, this may not have ever been considered previously for labs, I am not sure, its not my profession.

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These images are incredible!

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

You are capturing some very clear graphical images. Nice work.

What is starting to become clearer to me is the increasing electrical influence being displayed in solutions on slides. This kind of sounds obvious, but what I mean by this, is I think I could place nearly any solution on a slide now and let it dry and tree shapes, spikes and fractal antenna's will show up. Some are genuine self assembling creations, others like with what I see with water, always get affected by the surrounding electrical activity.

I have found it is not always easy to identically replicate shapes, one week from the next, I feel this is largely due to differing frequencies. For example with this latest cov push (which started electronically here yesterday) I felt the increase in electrical charge, and how it affects me, and are now seeing 'stronger' shapes, so to speak.

The shards you show is exactly how my MB dried and displayed.

I tested my latest batch of EDTA just recently, it formed fractal antenna's at first, due to the RO water, but then dried to virtually nothing, which was nice to see.

This is going to go on for some time, the choice of frequencies to cause harm is near endless.

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Thanks for your comment. Yes, I need to do more experimenting with electrical fields. Is “MB” Methylene Blue and is “EDT” EDTA? Thanks!

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May 28·edited May 29

Correct, apologies, and I get frustrated at people using acronyms when writing to a wide audience. I should not be so lazy.

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May 28Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Gday mate ,

Seems a nice scope , why not try using Darkfield, condenser,

I use Darkfield

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Yes, I use Dark Field most of the time. I can use Phase Contrast. Some of the Crystal Chard images are Phast Contrast. And I can do that in 1000x magnification, which I can’t in Dark Field. It’s just a process of changing out the Condenser. I use an older Olympus CX41 that didn’t come with a Dark Field, so its a bit of a pain to swap it out in mid-investigation. I think my Canon Mark 5 III DSLR has something to do with the quality of the pics. Thanks!

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May 28Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Yes I’m a beginner as well ,

The orabloc , some people had the idea it was free of tech , but seems not ,

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HI FWW, Can you ask Dr, Nixon if any of this Nano Technology found on the slide that does not degrade been analyzed? The Dancing Horsehead Filaments that are alive and a brain can be seen at 1,000X darkfield... The white cells that do not degrade on edge of the slide... The red blood cells that do not degrade and the asteroid chuncks... THX RR

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Hi Richard, and apologies for the delayed response. Dr. Nixon says "observed, but not analyzed" in response to your questions. I think we would need an electron microscope to have a closer look at them; not sure how we could analyze them, like Dr. Ana has done with the larger polyfibers. I don't think any of us have seen artificial 'white cells' (Neutrophils), but I know that Dr. Len Ber observed artificial blood cells 'living' on his slide for weeks! We need to keep an eye on those filaments, for sure. I don't think anyone else in our team found anything looking like internal 'organs', but mostly glowing dots. There are definitely ones that look like serpent heads. I personally have not observed nano long term in my own dried blood samples, but I will give it a try. I have seen those 'asteroid chunks' in Many things now, including urine. Hope that helps!

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Thank you 👍🏻

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"Name this photo" looks to me like a side face of evil.

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Is there anything left that's safe? We are being bombarded from all directions.

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True. Big wake up call to what's been happening for years without our knowledge. But we must persist in looking. We have to keep looking!

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