Aug 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I absolutely love your post. Not only because the images you are capturing are teaching us so much but also because you make me laugh. You are relatable. You are not weird but actually normal. It is the ones who choose to bury their heads in the ground and who mock us who are the weirdos because they choose willing not to know what is going on. And what is going on is... we are at war with the Globalist elite who are trying to kill us all. So, thank you for walking in the full light of God's truth. And really, there is no other way to walk. So that is not weird... but holy, righteous, good and kind... which we are all empowered to be... by God's wonderful Holy Spirit in us... via His fruits and gifts. Halleluyah! Love you! God bless you greatly!

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Aug 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I clearly see the fronts of attack.

Political-no good choice.

Border-invasion that has become deadly.

Health-all vectors! Amazing human resistance to poisons blows my mind

Mental-clueless fellow humans seals the deal for me.

Money-cdbc is coming very soon. This is ultimate control of all of us.

Food, water and air-one goal, transhumance!

Summary: the clock ran out. Chaos next.

Prepare to fight the battle for individual sovereignty….

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Aug 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I love critical thinking. I think it's not the same as skepticism. Excellent post FWW again!

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Aug 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Another product to look at would be topical numbing cream which is used by estheticians for laser and microneeding, even "botox" injections.

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Dr. Nixon did look at Botox, and Yep! It's In there! https://davidnixon.substack.com/p/back-to-botox?utm_source=publication-search

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I was actually referring to the numbing cream they apply to your skin before they do the injectables.

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Ah. Well. Dr. Nixon did look at many Topical Anesthetics like Lidocaine as well. Likely a cream would contain the same thing.

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According to “Practical Medicine for Every Household Home Doctor,” wild lettuce (boil down into a decoction by harvesting the aerial parts; chop the stems and leaves and add to a pot with 2 cups of the water and boil down until 1 cup is left, strain, cool and bottle. Drink 1 oz. every 4 hours as needed), valerian root (make a tincture with chopped roots, fill a glass jar with them and completely cover them in 80+ proof alcohol to infuse for 4-6 weeks before straining. Take 5-10 ml of tincture under the tongue every 4-6 hours as needed), toothache plant (apply the bud directly to the area of pain and/or crest a tincture), ginger (create a tincture, infuse for 4-6 weeks, and take 2-3 droppers every 2 hours as needed), and white willow (to make a tincture, fill a jar with the inner bark shavings, cover with alcohol, infuse for 4-6 weeks, strain and bottle. Take 2 droppers full every 2-4 hours as needed. For an even stronger tincture, use the strained tincture to cover more inner bark shavings in a jar and out again after 4-6 weeks). What’s interesting about white willow is that the farma industry caught onto it and discovered that the compound in the bark responsible for relieving pain is called salicin.

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so what are people who need a tooth filled or pulled suposed to do? Some dental work is necessary. My dentist says gas does not kill pain and refuses to do any dental work without anesthetic.

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Aug 22Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I am in the same boat, about to have my first ever dental surgery (unavoidable) on Tuesday 😞. I think I have *finally* arrived at the conclusion that there’s nothing I can actually do to prevent the dental anesthetics injections (and yes, I asked if she’d do it without anesthesia too, loll). At this point I think the only thing we can hope to do is try and degrade the graphene and as much of the nanotech as possible *immediately* after surgery….I started MedFive’s EDTA supplements this week (2/day), along with high-dose Liposomal Vitamin C capsules, along with other things I’ve read and am doing too: CDS regimen; oregano oil and grapefruit seed extract (as antibiotics pre- and post- surgery); pinch of Borax and sea salt and baking soda and iodine in my water 3x everyday. And yes, I’m aware of what Dr. Ariyana Love has said about Dr. Ana Maria Mihaelcia’s EDTA recommendations being supposedly actually ‘activating precursors’ to the graphene and nanotech…..however, I’m taking the chance anyway, bc of the fact that the Moderna wrote in their *own* scientific papers that EDTA + Vitamin C cancels the the ‘activating’ mechanisms of the graphene et al’s effectiveness. So I’m going with that. Idk what else we can do but keep trucking on and do our best to live as clean as we comfortably can in this world we are currently stuck with. Besides, we know 100% that it’s ALL already literally everywhere else, in the air, the water, our food, virtually all products and containers.

So maybe we just do our best at detoxing regularly, and get connected to our higher consciousness’ to help us divine the most beneficial means of living through this crazy time we decided to be here for! 😂 🙏🏼 I do not take this lightly….but we HAVE to laugh at this point to keep sane, and trust in God and our spiritual connectivity to ALL things….the answers we seek are here for us and available to us if we pay attention (*some* meditating, daily!), and *appreciate* the GOOD that is still everywhere…as we are guided along in this amazing roller-coaster 🎢 of a physical journey! We GOTTA look for the good though, and feel the excitement of being here, or we’ve relinquished ourselves to a wasted life!! Wishing you, and all others here, the BEST of luck in everything, dental and Universal!! 🥹 🤲🏼💚✨💝❤️‍🔥

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Good ideas , but I would not do EDTA sonic frequencies work

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Lol, I’ve heard the same thing in reverse. Anyway, the Moderna patents say the EDTA blocks the formation of the nano(tech) formations from taking hold or whatever, so I’m just gonna give it a try anyway.

I did just buy a pocket PEMF device by Vibe…. is that “sonic” frequencies?? I *have* heard about the healing frequency devices actually facilitating the ‘activation’ of the nanotech material—but I don’t really know what’s what on that front. I haven’t even yet used my new PEMF device. :/ 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Aug 31Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Noone in my family has ever used dental anaesthetics . My ex was a biochemist and when he needed a molar with 5 roots removed they used a natural opiate to knock him out. Besides this there are many natural numbing agents but youd have to discuss it with the dentist. I looked after my teeth and havnt needed dentistry fortunately. there is a lot you can do . I literally regrew my one injured tooth . we have to read up and do our best I guess :/

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I read somewhere that powdered cloves rubbed on the gums relieved pain, but can't confirm. Perhaps this search may help. https://yandex.com/search/?text=powdered+cloves+anesthetic+gums&lr=10636&clid=1836588

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Hi Max- Thanks. Yes, a bunch of us microscopists have discussed this. Clove is used to relieve tooth pain. But it would likely only be good for a Very short-term topical anesthetic that doesn’t require intense surgery or drilling. I brush my teeth with it in my home made toothpaste, and it only lasts a minute or so. That being said, one of our microscopists did an experiment with rubbing A Lot of it on his gums, and then centrifuged his own blood to check for the rubbery clot material that Dr. Ana has documented, and he thinks the Clove Oil had an effect on prohibiting the clots to form in the test tube. So, many of us recommend taking some Clove internally or added to toothpaste every day. : )

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Thank you. That’s a helpful expansion on my understanding.

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Yes, I had two adjacent crowns placed in my face that I didn’t need but now I know why. And then I’d really like to know how much he was paid.

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Many articles on dental anesthetics prior to 1920s that I’ve found thus far seem focused on the unhealthy discoveries vs. the old ways. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies lists plantain (direct application), arnica (mash it and apply to the area), arrowleaf balsamroot (chewing on the root), bleeding heart (chew the root and place on the tooth), red root bark decoction (swish and hold it in the mouth for a few minutes), chaparral or creosote bush (heat the young shoot tips to produce sap and drip the sap resin into the tooth cavity to seal and stop pain), and cattails (the jelly-like sap that seeps from the lower stems can be rubbed on the sore spot).

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A bit off topic but probably important 5 min. clip of Dr. Mike Yeadon regarding Ivermectin.

He has the credentials and at this point in his life I see no reason to mislead anyone.

Formerly chief science officer at Pfizer.


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Perhaps laughing gas would be a better option if the dentists can offer it. If there's nano in laughing gas, well it's harder for nano to penetrate the lung tissues.

Medicinal cannabis is good for cleaning out the lungs. Just make sure you cough it out.

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dentist states it does not kill pain and refuse to only use it

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Did you see Dr Ana's latest here is my response , what are your thoughts my friend something wrong here

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Reply (2)


Thomas Guitarman

Thomas’s Substack

just now

Hi have you heard Dr Ana s latest . I want to hear your thoughts on it . Again I dont see she has overcome the POSSIBLE shortfalls in this experiment relative to amounts of effectiveness in the body and possible negative effects. Ok so lets give it the benefit of the doubt and say maybe .But the she has seemingly fallen for DJT ,BS and even says she is "hoping for a new golden age under DJT" Wait a minute , this is the guy who launched OPERATION WARP SPEED , calls himself the godfather of the death shots that doctor Ana has repeatedly called an exctinction ,level event. I repeatedly heard him tell everyone to take the deaths shots and boosters , and that he did . He never fired the evil generals and military involved in all these bioweapon agendas going way back. He unlawfully issued the EUA when the big pharma fraud was already known by patents , and all their efforts to protect themselves from liability. I can go on for hours , I know this mans ENTIRE HISTORY and previous actions and his family as well . He is totally Zionist agenda supporter and calling for ww3 attacks on Iran. His son in law is Mossad and he put him in charge of Mideast policy. 2 FLIGHTS on Epstein Express. Do not mistake anything I have said for support for any of the other evil side , they are all controlled opposition. Shortly before Dr Ana had distanced herself from her entire community by recognizing and stating the truth about DJT , Something is seriously wrong here. I have made podcasts and educated on these things for decades

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If anyone reads this , can anyone tell me why people are backtracking on the idea that GO was in the Pfizer jabs ?

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Who is backtracking on that?

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I saw various comments online this week about the pfizer graphene idea being exaggerated. .. I'm tired of the confusion tbh.

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Sharing our research which shows promising results to detox and very affordable for all: https://shoutout.wix.com/so/5bP6RAjY-?languageTag=en Please share, but do not post on social media.

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Thank you for this article. What does the following sentence refer to? "WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THOSE POLYMER STRUCTURES DO ONCE INSIDE THE BODY. HOW DOES LQC KNOW THAT THEY ARE HARMLESS ONCE IN THE BODY? WE HAVE FOUND THEM IN EVERYTHING!" I assume LQC is La Quinta Columna but don't know what they said about this topic. Can you clarify?

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Yes, LQC is short for La Quinta Column. My point was that LQC suggest that the flame Magnet Method will move the Nano down to the bottom of the vial. But clearly, as I found, it doesn’t. So if I had taken the sample from the syringe that I took after I tried the Method, and injected it into my body, I would have Polymer Structures like Nanofibers and Polymer Nanocrystals in my body, and we do not know their true function, but it is likely nepharious. LQC is suggesting that their Method Does ‘deactivates’ (?) the Nano. But they are primarily focused on Graphene as the Nano– perhaps just the Moving Bots, and not on Hydrogel polymer structures. Does that make sense?

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Yes. Can you direct me to a link so I can read what they said? I can't imagine having any "vaccine" injected for any reason, whether the vial was manipulated with some technique or not. In other words, what was the context? Where can I read about the Flame Magnet Method?

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Hi- The Magnet Method video was going viral on Social Media. It was a Spanish Speaking dentist demonstrating it. Here is one of the videos on X. Don’t know if you can open it. - https://x.com/BarbaraOneillAU/status/1826042766750789882

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Thanks. I just watched it. On the positive side, I suppose it's better than doing nothing. On the negative side, there is no reason to believe that non-magnetic particles move with the alleged graphene oxide into the bottom of the vial. Other nanoparticulates could still be present in the upper part that appears clear. They would have to place that clear liquid on a slide and examine it, preferably using darkfield microscopy and if possible, electron microscopy and elemental analysis with mass spec. in order to be sure that there were no other contaminants. I suppose they have not done that. Do you know?

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That’s what I think. They couldn’t possibly check the entire vial. I think they probably didn’t see any moving Bots, and thought it was clean. But you don’t always see Bots moving.

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Hello, Freedom Warrior Woman;

Thank you for this (& other) very interesting post. We (biological humans) have detox systems to get rid of staff body doesn’t need. Currently we get in not only nano but so-called operating system OS (I think it’s in hydrogel), so when entering our body nano is assembled under ‘directions’ of OS. Tony P. devices do not get rid of the nano per-se, their purpose is to deactivate OS. So when nano gets in (without OS) our body will start detoxing it.

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To send 1/2 oz. or less of water or similar liquid to you can you advise me on a container? Glass preferably but is plastic OK?

I thought about mini liquor bottles (vodka) emptied out but illegal to mail...surely it'll get x rayed!

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Hi, yes glass Is preferable. Something like those new little bottle used for tinctures or essential oil samples with a screw top lid is preferable. If you reuse an old bottle, even washed out, you risk having nano residue from washing it out. If not, those little travel size containers- but I would make sure it was very hard plastic, not soft, in case there are Nanos in the soft plastic. ugh...You should just put "Liquid" on the mailing box anyway. Put it in a plastic bag as well it case it leaks and some bubble wrap or similar. Heck, you can mail blood and urine and stuff all the time! Hope that helps! Looking forward to looking!

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