Aug 7Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Hey there FWW, take another look at your image of stellate trichomes you found on the back of your coast oak leaves, and tell me you can't see it is a group of young ballet girls doing their warm-up routines???? especially the one bottom center at 6 o'clock...then you will see them all being gymnastic KK

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Good science can cope with the odd honest mistake like that. I called them "possible trichromes" a year ago and stick to that with the exception of the spelling. The best of science comes when people like you own possible mistakes, with integrity.

I will add one here and say the unidentified "devils toenails" in one of my posts may be the scales from butterflies or moths. Though even acknowledging that possibility I would also not fully discount both the plant or insect matter found in the blood as always being artifacts.

We know for a fact that many morgellons sufferers produce both from their bodies today and perhaps these may still be synthetic crosses and how they enter.

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Hey Matt, I also suggest investigating mosquitos for the source of the "toenails". I've been able to confirm that their bodies are essentially covered in very similar small winglike objects.

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It would be interesting to investigate/document the growth process of these objects. While I tend to lean towards these being plantlife, it's difficult to mentally visualize how they develop and from where.

Great work as usual. I'll keep my eye open for any additional information on these.

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Good comment Will, agree..they are so prevalent it warrants we bust their ID wide open and find out what they' re up to 🧐

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Much respect for your integrity FWW - in this spiritual battle it's indispensable. It is the shield that protects whatever territory we gain against their weapons of deception.

And you've restored the humble trichome's reputation !

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I'm a fledgling microscopist and feel very unqualified to make and kind of claim or determination on what I'm seeing so I'll just shoot from the hip. I've seen some of this in blood, in rainwater, etc. Are all of these possibly airborne? How will we ever know since most of us do not work in a sterile lab?

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Likely airborne. You can certainly get a tree leave and scrape the underside gently with a knife directly onto a slide and cover it to keep them on. They may look different depending upon the tree. Please post your photos and let us know! There is a learning curve on many things, and many microscopists disagree with each other. We are all learning!

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THANK YOU FOR THIS POST. It shows your integrity and makes me appreciate and value your efforts even more. <3

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Those little creepy guys are called Hydra they can be ground up chopped up and they can be used as a self assembling tool for what ever because every little part of them will regrow back to its full self and they can change its genome to grow to whatever like those disgusting blood clots they find

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They look like Hydra yes, but apparently Hydra are much smaller, have long bodies, and have thinner and less 'tentacles'. We think Dr Carrie Madej was mistaken when she thought she found them in the Pfizer shot, but that idea went viral. I had to look for myself. I cant imagine that the backs of tree leaves all over the world are covered in Hydra that naturally live in water! : )

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This thing was being used by the controlled opposition and their fake agents to dismantle the true synbio - they did the same by luring every rebel into flat earth through Q - we have to be more intelligent than that - None of the proper microscopists has focussed on that shit

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The micro world is imo no different than looking to the sky at night.

The American Indian called it the Great Mystery!

I have resigned myself to not understanding and boxed the mystery as a present for the future. No doubt imo we as the good humanity would have immeasurable knowledge if not for the knowledge inversion foisted upon us by the ilk of Rockefeller history, era of lies via control on money.

Real science is exactly what you are doing!

Imagine if half of humanity had the same perspective. Imagine a world of real knowledge! Imagine harnessing magnetic energy that is “free” after the initial investment! Imagine a future of void of international scarcity..,for control via money…

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