Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Thanks, FWW, for the lovely presentation of your findings. Absolutely beautiful images you've captured, however creepy the reason for the formations! And you came up with some good titles, too. I could see these images being greatly enlarged and hanging in an art gallery or museum to bring attention to "the evil lurking within us all". How's that for a title for your micro-photo exhibition? It would not only be a visually interesting, educational (albeit horrifying), and cool exhibit, it'd be a great form of activism! People would be drawn in by the mysterious images and educated with the help of informational brochures explaining what they're looking at, where to get more information, and where to donate funds to support the independent research. If you were so inclined, along with displaying the enlarged photographs, you could sell prints, T-shirts, and whatever else to help those who have seen your work spread the light and wake other people up. Keep up the great work testing products and educating people about this! Hopefully someone will commercially manufacture a self-assembling-nanoparticle-free alternative anesthetic soon...

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Thanks for the encouragement, Jamey! I am a professional photographer and have done exhibits before. Doing an exhibit is definitely an investment in producing large framed prints or canvases and even printing on fabric. I also have reproduced photographs on a plastic film with a backlit 'poster frame', and those look cool because they are illuminated, like the Dark Field affect. I think they would definitely look cool in a large format. I am thinking of calling it something like "Nano Nano: The Hidden World under the Microscope", or coming at it from the angle of "Microplastics" will ease people into it. Yes, selling Prints, T-shirts, Calendars, Cards etc. has been suggested by many, and as soon as I get a new website up with a Shop, I can work on that, hopefully by Christmastime! Of course, as beautiful and sublime the Nano images are, yes they are terrifying! Right now, I am working on a Print-on-Demand Art Print 'Magazine' with my work (which will help fund my work), and other microscopists I work with right now. Anyone will be able to order copies and then I will encourage people to guerrilla-style drop it off in any Doctor's or Dentist office magazine pile! What do you think of that?

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Sep 24Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I think that's a wonderful idea! Didn't realize that you are actually a professional photographer but that certainly explains your excellent sense of composition and use of contrast. Great that you already have experience doing exhibits and know exactly what's involved--surely you've considered the idea long before I suggested it. I'm not quite sure how it would look but I absolutely LOVE your idea of making the backlit poster frame so the illuminated images mimic the Dark Field microscopy effect. It may not be worth the extra hassle/expense of having to fabricate them but, in line with your idea, it would be even cooler if the images were round, just as they would appear if one were to observe them through a microscope.

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Sep 23Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

GREAT PICS FWW...Best advise No jabbs from a dentist doctor or politician..RR

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Nice work, FWW.

I also don't understand why people don't want to know about this.

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Thanks! I suppose cause its Scary Stuff and people don't want to admit that they've been deceived! I don't understand it either. But the key is how to peak curiosity with a completely new subject.

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They choose denial over pain

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

There is definitely something more to it. They can't see it visually, the approach of nano to achieve anything, is part of the whole mastery/evil planning.

If you told someone there was a deadly snake next to them they would look, and jump in fright.

Brainwashed to think an injections and mainstream medicine is always good for them without hesitation. I spoke to family 5 years ago about checking the ingredients of their anti-depressants. Some ingredients were deadly, but nup, the medicine is good in their eyes, and down the hatch it goes! I even asked one family member, do you make sure you put the correct fuel in your car, and not diesel? Of course they said, so you look after your car better than your body? They did not register.

To me the mystery is way beyond ufo's, paranormal and witch craft, I can make sense of those.

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Thank you for your hilarious titles, FWW, I laughed heartily, which is so much better than how freaked out and sad I usually feel when looking at this stuff. Especially liked the Nazca hummingbird and the poodle with the messed up haircut. YOU are too funny!

Please be sure to post somewhere on your site that the "cure" has been discovered by Dr. Ana Mihalcea! She was reading the Moderna patent, and found their (required in every chemical patent) description of how to STOP the "reaction" (the build out of the nanotech). All one needs is a chelator (binds to heavy metals) COMBINED with an acid. The patent gives an example of EDTA combined with ascorbic acid (Vit C).

Dr. Ana has published several articles re this new finding on Substack com, suggesting dosages based on her microscopy observations. She found that this combo of EDTA + Vit C instantly "obliterated" ALL the nanotech - ALL OF IT --it was literally blown to smithereens.


But it doesn't help if most of the population is ignorant that they have nanotech in them! So wishing you GOD SPEED on your book, FWW, of bizarre photos of 30-year old nanotech and the hard-core facts that we have GOT TO FACE.

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Thank you, Patricia. I do have great respect for Dr. Ana, and she of course has way more followers than me, and exposure about her solutions. I don't want to promote anything until I test it under the microscope myself. Specifcally, I want to find a clean source of EDTA and Vit. C, which I personally haven't yet.

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Oh, no! Even the Vit C and EDTA have been polluted?! Those F*CKERS! Grrrr, this makes me mad!

Please do work with all haste on finding pure sources (I think YOU are the only researcher working on this aspect). Can you tell us --- are the hard pill forms of Vit C and EDTA also tainted? I am thinking the nanobots need a liquid medium?

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Substack general question - I don't seem to be getting emailed notification of replies on substacks - what settings do I need to enable to get an email notification when I get a reply? And, does it mean I've activated the needed toggle when it turns red (or does the red indicate, light a stoplight, that emails are stopped)?

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I’m having the same problem of not getting email notification when someone replies to my comment! I’ve tried playing with settings and gave up. I “chatted with” substack AI who said a person would respond to me-that was 2 weeks ago!

I believe the red toggle means the setting is on. Except the toggle is orange, not red! I just found out, 3 hours after making this comment Peace!

How to get activity on your comments, is you click the bell, on any substack, and it will list all activity on all your comments. The bell is in top right hand corner.

I’ve given up waiting for a real person to answer. I’m glad to find someone who’s come across the same problem as me though! It might be universal, I don’t know.

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I am not sure if it is the same on the Settings if you are Not a Publisher of Posts, but it Should be under Settings, Notifications turned on Orange (I don't see Red!)with the Toggle to the Right. However, I don't see that as an Option! I just look at the Bell icon on the top Right next to my Dashboard and it tells me if there is a Comment. It may be that you don't get notified by Email for comments to your comments!

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Oh, I just went to my settings, and the toggles are orange, not red! Maybe some people see them as red, depending on lighting, or their own genetics. I guess I thought they were red in my memory.

My husband and I have different senses as to what certain colours are, whereas my son sees them the same as me!

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Thanks, I used to get emails for comments to my comments, but it stopped, and I figured to look at/click the bell.

It seems readers settings have red. Sorry, they are orange-I had a look!

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Very interesting photos! It's amazing the shapes that form. I once pulled some fibres from my body that, in a clump, formed the partial shape of a dog. Weird. Good work.

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Yikes, Fiona!

You should have a microscope. Do you?

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Only a small 60x scope. Once the dog-looking blob dried out, it became like very fine thread & under the scope looked like a bundle of fibre-optic cables. I believe it was nano-assembled fibres (obviously not in nano size by then).

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Are you saying you find nano particles in everything you have put under your microscope?

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Unfortunately, Almost everything! I have found a Few products that I have not seen anything in, like Native Forest Organic Coconut Milk–that looked Clean– However, it is also Opaque, so that is tricky. But I didn't see anything Moving in the sample that I looked at. I need to make a Substack Post with an Inventory of everything I have looked at so far The Amount and Type of Nanos in each product, or type of water, definitely varies. My line in the sand is if Nanoparticles/Nanobots are actively moving, otherwise, they may just be

'Nano garbage' as I call it: inert fibers or chunks that fell out of the geoengineering or are in the water supply. However: we do not know if those fibers or chunks are active Biosensors or if they will do something when in contact inside the body. We can assume that because they have been dropping Nanoparticles on us since at least the 1970's, that some have gone Rogue, while others are Intentionally put into products. That all being said, you can look at your own Urine under the Microscope and see that some amount of Nano structures leave on their own. Hope that helps!

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Sep 23Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

This was fascinating and discouraging at the same time, b/c I've had way too much dental work done in the past years, but until reading this post I didn't realize I'd been exposed to all this nano from dental anesthetics injected in me years ago.

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement: " I need to make a Substack Post with an Inventory of everything I have looked at so far The Amount and Type of Nanos in each product, or type of water, definitely varies."

This would be very helpful info for all of us, so that we can limit our "intake" of all things nano as much as possible. Thank you!!

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Are dental anesthetics a lot more loaded with the stuff than other "everyday" items? Wondering if I need to keep putting off needed dental repair work til someone makes a clean anesthetic or not get overly worried since we're getting inundated with so much anyway. Thanks for your reply!

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Out of about 30 Anesthetics from all over the world, and multiple companies spanning back to 1994 that we've looked at, they All were loaded with lots of Nano. Nanocrystal 'microchips' are mostly found in Vxxines and Anesthetics and other medications, more so than every day items. Dr. Nixon as even looked at an anesthetic from a Compounded Pharmacy and it was really bad. Until we can Source the prime numbing ingredients ourselves and test them all individually to make our own injectable, we don't think we will find a clean one. (The topical anesthetics are not strong enough for most dental work needed for injections) Likely the Sources of the various 'caines' lead back to a few tainted sources in the Pharma Supply world. At this point, the Dentist in our Microscope Group advises to just ask that your Dentist to uses as Little as Possible and Detox afterwards. I have not found many Detox products that also do not have Nanoparticles/Bots, Nanostructures including Vitamin C powder or EDTA (intravenous, powder, cream or tablet), but I would THINK that Activated Charcoal would be clean! I would not put it off if I were you to wait for us to find a solution, as we don't have any leads right now for Solutions. (The Magnet Method that La Quinta Columna touts does Not work.) IF we find a clean anesthetic or Source ingredients, we will certainly shout it from the rooftops! Honestly, we may have been injected with the Nanobots since the 1970's or 1980's and didn't know it! But I try to avoid things when I can. I just don't know what I will do if I had to get a numbing agent for Dental or Surgery work done. Hope that helps!

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Sep 23Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

I myself wouldn't worry and would just get your dental work done, this stuffs everywhere. I'm fully loaded and have been for years. Like FWW says here try detox directly afterwards, even if it's swishing vitamin c or salt water around in the mouth. Teeth are important.

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I'm looking for a scope recommendation, care to make one? <$1k Thanks!

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Hi Yowza~ I use an old Olympus CX41 and attach my DSLR with an adaptor to one of the binoculars and there is a video camera on the top looking down attached to an LCD Screen. Although I can't specifically make a recommendation for a new one under $1K, I have seen Student Grade Scopes on AMScope for about $500, that have Dark Field Condenser, but I haven't used it and can't vouch for it - https://amscope.com/collections/compound-microscopes/products/c-t340-dk-led. You can also add simple plastic Dark Field Filters instead of a Condenser attachment, but I'm not an expert at doing that, and you don't want to attempt to match up misc. Condensers you find on Ebay to your Scope and hope they fit! Remember that you need the ability (if you want) to attach a camera or video camera (hence the term "Trinocular") to the top and a LCD Screen if you want to see things beyond through the bionocular. Many citizen microscopists attach their Cell Phone to take photos and videos but I don't know how to do that. You may also want to watch Microbe Hunter on YouTube for his recommendations I suggest looking on Ebay as well. Otherwise, you will need to spend at least $3K for a good used one! If we find a good affordable recommendation, we will shout it from the rooftops! Good Luck!

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Thanks, FWW!

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Very well done, great photography! I would be curious to see what type of “crystals” would form from the purified anesthetics. Being organic compounds, I’m sure they would form very weird crystals…..but I’m also sure they wouldn’t form smart cities!!

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What do you mean by 'purified', Steve?

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After your previous analysis where 'purified water' was an ingredient with nano activity, I search ingredients and when I see purified water I drop it and run.

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Ha! Yes! There is No "Purified Water", really! I'm looking at 6 more waters now, and I'm finding bacteria and nanos in almost everything! Especially stay away from "Distilled Water" sold in those big plastic bottles! I Will of course update if I find a good source. Honestly, my Berkey filter is better than most R/O waters that I have found!

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