Aug 18Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

You should make a table with vendor in column A and each nanotech variant across the top. Publish this along with identification criteria and photos…..link the latter in each cell via hypertext. Many will be skeptical because they lack the discerning/experienced eye of a microscopist.

Excellent work J!!

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Great Idea, Steve! Thanks!

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Aug 17Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

Hey there FWW a great big thankyou for the obvious hard work and effort you put into all your articles. I love the way you also educate and amuse your audience. You are one hard working well balanced gal !

Glad you are on the job 😌

Wouldn't it be great if we could enlist those🦠bacteria to devour the nanos ! KK

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Aug 20Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

FWW needs our support so she can keep this information coming! I support her and she never asked for it. It's as cheap as 5.00 a month which goes a long way if we all help. Just saying helping those that help us is so worth it my family! BTW I stopped wasting my time with all of the political back and forth bs. We all know they (cabal) have already made their minds up. Let's stay together where it matters most, our health.

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Thank you FWW, how disappointing to see a festival of nanos in a healthy drink like coconut water ... i think the source of the contamination is pretty obvious ...

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Thank you for this, but I'm curious about fresh coconut water as well? Do you think this is from the coconut water, or the water supply? I used to think that all of these contaminated drinks were from the added water. However, I drink fresh coconut water every day, from green and mature coconuts. I live in Hawaii and they've been geoengineering us hard for the last 2 yrs. Everything is dying, or sick. Plants, trees, bugs, birds, toads, lizards, geckos, it's destroying the ecosystem. The fruit is rotting on the trees and the coconuts are collecting this rainwater with whatever is in it, at the top and they are beginning to rot on the trees as well. If they are healthy when you pick, they rot quickly. I used to open 2 or 3 and pour in a jar to keep in the fridge. It used to taste fine for 4 days, now by day 3 it's rancid. Some of my papayas are gross, with what looks like chemical burns, on the outside exposed to the rain. Next to the tree they are OK. The ones with this look healthy inside, but have a metallic smell. I'm curious if you think this stuff is entering fruits and such as it grows, penetrates the skin, as well as being taken up by plant and tree roots.??

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Hi Jeanette, Thanks for your Comments and Questions. Sad about Hawaii… Of course, they are going to bomb you there! They gave you GMO Papayas! I think definitely the ground water is contaminated that comes up into the plants after 60 years (?) of chemtrailing. I also want to check tree sap. If it can get through regular water filters, it will prob be able to get up tree trunks, sadly; I mean heavy metals get absorbed into trees. Bottled Coco water should obviously not have any Water added, so if it isn’t being absorbed through the trunk, is it being added in the factory equipment or just floating around in the air and landing in the factories? See, Nanoparticles could absorbed, and then under the right conditions (EMF’s, heat, etc), the programmed assembly could take place inside the produce. I mean, they have EMF'ed/electromagnetized the Earth for Many purposes, esp. Transhumanism. (READ Elana Freeland’s Geoengineered Transhumanism to get fully informed). I will look at water from Inside a Freshly Opened Coconut and look. Did you offer to send me some? I have multiple offers. I can also just get one here at my grocery store and have them crack it open.

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Anything clean anymore??

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I’m going to say there are different levels of contamination based on my observations so far. Its hard to test some things, like have found a few things that on first site that appear to be clean ( to be published). I’m determined to find them. And there Has to be water filtration systems available, because the Nanotech world who manufactures these different things, would need clean laboratories. I have some other purified watered systems I’m going to check.

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Aug 20Liked by FreedomWarriorWoman

FWW is a fine lady getting us information that no one will give us. That is why I support her work. It's nice having good people like you here my friend!

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They make a powdered coconut water. Have you tested any of those. They are expensive. I have some and would be happy to send it to you.

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Trudy-I have one of those powdered coco waters that I can test. I will put it on my To-Do Pile. That beign said, there are Other ingredients in there, so we would't know where the come from. My purpose of having canned coco water would be a back up to drinking water as a Prepping item. Thanks for your cheerleading for me!

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Thank you for your reply. Yes, I figure that if starving the masses is also part of the plan, they have to poison everything here and just kill it. We had abundant food sources, but they've made the wild pigs infertile for the most part, few babies. Wild chicken population is less than half. The fish in the ocean are likely loaded up too, if not just toxins, synthetic nano tech too!

Our plants and trees are having a difficult time breathing. My Soursop tree, healthy 2yrs ago, just fell down in minimal wind. Jackfruit produced good fruit last year, not this year. Breadfruit seems to be ok still. Now I wish I had canned some of both last year!

I can try to send some you coconut water, I think they will ship it. Shipping restrictions are pretty crazy in and out of here. Ha,we used to be able to slap a label right on the coconut😆 but I don't think so anymore. Where would you like it sent, if I can?

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wow, major bummer

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The question now is How did NT get in the Coconut water? Did it come up through soil roots tree coco nut and into the juice? Probabably like the same way NT gets into our blood through nutrientes we consume air water food...RR

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It is in everything these days. I saw a great video on Prof. David Hughes site with Sabrina Wallace speaking of where we are being contaminated with since the late 90's. https://drdavidnixon.com/1/en/topic/prof-david-hughes-and-sabrina-wallace

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